XR for sciences
Genomics in society: VR visions for the future
This talk made in October , 2020 has been given during the International Congress of Extended Reality in Sciences (https://dimensionsxr.com) organized by the Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality (SSVAR - https://ssvar.ch) #Bio Dr. Susan Persky is an associate investigator and head of the Immersive Virtual Environment Testing Unit where she directs the Immersive Virtual Environment Testing Area (IVETA) within in the Social and Behavioral Research Branch (SBRB), National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), NIH. She earned a B.A. in psychology for Northwestern University. She earned an M.A. and Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara where she studied at the Research Center for Virtual Environments and Behavior. After conducting postdoctoral research at Columbia University, she came to the SBRB in 2005. Here, she built the IVETA, an immersive VR -based experimental research lab within the SBRB, founded in 2006. Dr. Persky splits her effort between providing leadership for the IVETA and conducting her programmatic research. Her work investigates the function of new genomic knowledge about common health conditions like obesity and diabetes in interactions between health care providers and patients and in public and online discourse. Dr. Persky has published extensively in the areas of health communication, genomics, and virtual reality methods, and has presented her work in venues such as the Smithsonian Institution and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. She is a member of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Virtual and Augmented Reality. #Abstract Applying virtual reality (VR) as an experimental research methodology enables consideration of important social and behavioral research questions in step with, and often in advance of, emerging genetic and genomic knowledge. Although genetics and genomics are well understood in rare disease contexts, their application for precision medicine in a public health context (e.g., for obesity and diabetes prevention) is still an aspiration. VR-based research is able to test the influence of yet anticipated genomics applications in ways that would be logistically impractical or impossible in real-world health settings. We have applied VR in healthcare communication contexts to understand how variation in patient characteristics, provider characteristics, and clinical context influences outcomes of genomics-focused medical encounters. Here, we identify situations where we may risk inciting social stigma or discrimination through genomics integration. Through measurement of parent feeding behavior in a VR-based buffet simulation we have furthermore honed genomics communication approaches for conveying information about children’s adulthood disease risk. This work aims to provide the needed evidence base to inform future genomic technologies, optimizing them to improve public health. Speaker's page https://dimensionsxr.com/congress-spe... --- The intro video has been made by Dragan Stiglic: https://draganstiglic.myportfolio.com The director: Mohamed Jean-Philippe Sangaré Founder and CEO of SSVAR https://www.linkedin.com/in/msangare/
Yes, AI exists, but it will not save the world !
#Titele: Yes, artificial intelligence exists, but it will not save the world ! This talk made in October , 2020 has been given during the International Congress of Extended Reality in Sciences (https://dimensionsxr.com) organized by the Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality (SSVAR - https://ssvar.ch) #Bio Associate Consultant at Aveyo, a management consulting company, Emmanuel Keita has a 20 years multi-disciplinary background in mathematics and information system management. “Augmented Intelligence Evangelist”, he loves popularizing decision making discernment to different audiences : “AI is more than data !” National defense auditor (France), Emmanuel was contributor of the “Villany report” ( AI’s French strategy, 2018) and author of an article “Le potentiel des réseaux bayésiens” in Défense & Stratégie Internationale (2019). He also wrote an article in a forthcoming book “Risque et principe de précaution”, Coll. Philosophie du Droit, Dalloz (2020). #Abstract The scientific reality of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is very different from the fantasies conveyed by a sci-fi marketing. As an example, the Covid19 pandemic has precisely highlighted the limits of “Deep Machine Learning” for decision making in crisis situations : like a colossus with feet of clay, this type of “AI” that specializes in reproducing the “big data” of the past is completely disoriented by novelty… More than ever we need to be able to reconcile the computing power of machines and the unique human business expertise to meet the real needs of decision makers ! Speaker's page https://dimensionsxr.com/congress-speakers/emmanuel-keita/ --- The intro video has been made by Dragan Stiglic: https://draganstiglic.myportfolio.com The director: Mohamed Jean-Philippe Sangaré Founder and CEO of SSVAR https://www.linkedin.com/in/msangare/
The iJackers Guide to Social Protest in Public Space
This talk made in October , 2020 has been given during the International Congress of Extended Reality in Sciences (https://dimensionsxr.com) organized by the Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality (SSVAR - https://ssvar.ch) #Bio Art Clay is an artist and collaborator who was born in New York and twitters between his life in Basel and world presence working between the borders of the arts, the sciences, and society. As an artist, he has been awarded prizes for performance art , media art, design, music theater, and composition. He has exhibited in major museum across the world and is at present, involved with several in several long running projects including a performative sound art tour and a several exhibitions featuring his work including a solo retrospective for 2021. He has been supported by governmental agencies, art councils, private foundations, and industry partners such as Presence Switzerland, Pro Helvetia, Swissnex China, Swissnex Singapore, Migros Kulturprozent, Mondrian Foundation, Japan Foundation, Arts Council England, Canada Council for the Arts, Procedural, HP, LG Electronics, and many others. He developed artworks and implemented project with renowned institutes such as EPFL, ETH Zurich, University of the Arts Zurich, Xian Academy of the Arts, NTU and NUS of Singapore, Jiaotong University Shanghai, University of Victoria BC, Sogang University, Seoul National University, Singapore Polytechnic, Politecnico di Milano, and for various private and government agencies and institutions including Biocon Labs, SAST, A2Star, and more. #Abstract The talk is inspired by diverse levels of agency in the arts. It covers past and present uses of communication technologies in the arts and how these intersect with social activism. Early examples of Flash and Smart Mobbing and the Twitter tirades of Ai Weiwei offer a basis of understanding of content and method of the process of social protest using virtual space. The examples are also used to establish “a guide”, or a repertoire of common practice. More sophisticated levels of agency are approached through the latest examples of holographic (art) protests and Augmented Reality works that use the newest technologies in subversive ways in areas where either physical presence is impossible or where public assembly is repressed and the situation calls for more creative approaches to communicating and or demanding social change. The talk presentation takes a similar approach to Abbey Hoffmann’s 1960’s “Steal this Book” and being controversial in nature, the talks acts as a guid which makes the virtual domains of protest real and how to bring new possibilities of using socially disruptive performative acts. Coupled with the use of any and all means of technologies linked with physical or virtual presence, the talk concludes with the coming to the understanding that a need for change is key to innovation and social renewal, and to conceive possible scenarios for (art) works that use art as agency to advocate change. Speaker's page --- The intro video has been made by Dragan Stiglic: https://draganstiglic.myportfolio.com The director: Mohamed Jean-Philippe Sangaré Founder and CEO of SSVAR https://www.linkedin.com/in/msangare/
The five senses of XR
This talk made in October , 2020 has been given during the International Congress of Extended Reality in Sciences (https://dimensionsxr.com) organized by the Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality (SSVAR - https://ssvar.ch) #Bio I work with virtual and augmented reality technologies since 2014, when I co-founded Immotionar, a startup that aimed at adding full body of the user inside the virtual world. In my startup journey I learnt a lot about this technologies, both on a development side (so, developing applications in Unity for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, etc…) and on a business side (management of a VR product, analysis of the evolution of the VR market, etc…). My company got some awards and press coverage, but at last it shut-down. So, now I’m offering what I’ve learnt in this long journey to companies and people who may need it. Connecting with people has always been a passion, so for my company I’ve been blogger, social media manager and PR. Since august 2016 I’ve also my own blog The Ghost Howls, where I talk about virtual reality, augmented reality and startup life. This personal space is making me connect with many interesting people inside the VR ecosystem. My previous experiences regards what I’ve studied at the university: I’m an engineer of the Politechnic of Turin and I’ve always loved development of any kind of applications, in particular the ones focused on computer vision and computer graphics. #Abstract Many people think that AR and VR are simply made by glasses that you put on your face to see a digital reality. These people forget that we have five senses, and that augmented and virtual reality actually regards the spectrum of all our five senses, that are equally important. Discover the products, the experiments and the results of implementing taste, smell, touch and superpowers like mind control in immersive worlds. You will be surprised of the mindblowing things that the research community is creating! Speaker's page https://dimensionsxr.com/congress-speakers/antony-vitillo/ --- The intro video has been made by Dragan Stiglic: https://draganstiglic.myportfolio.com The director: Mohamed Jean-Philippe Sangaré Founder and CEO of SSVAR https://www.linkedin.com/in/msangare/
Industrie 4.0 & Afrique : une fenêtre temporelle de 15 ans
#Title: Industrie 4.0 & Afrique : une fenêtre temporelle de 15 ans et une opportunité unique pour se positionner dans les nouveaux business mondiaux. This talk made in October , 2020 has been given during the International Congress of Extended Reality in Sciences (https://dimensionsxr.com) organized by the Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality (SSVAR - https://ssvar.ch) #Bio #Abstract [FRENCH] En 2050, l’Humanité comptera autour des 10 Milliards de personnes, dont 1/4 d’africains (2,5 Milliards). En pyramide des ages, ce sera la population la plus jeune du Monde. L’Afrique, par ses ressources naturelles abondantes, par sa jeunesse et par toutes les infrastructures à construire, est l’Eldorado du XXIème Siècle : elle sera le 1er Marché du Monde. Une simple observation des principaux acteurs économiques du Continent et de leur comportement commercial et diplomatique nous prouve sans aucun doute possible que toutes les puissances de la planète souhaitent en être les partenaires, et pour longtemps. Et les approches de tous les pays du G20 ne sont pas les mêmes, notamment celle des BRICS : l’Afrique n’oublie pas la Conférence de Bandung, même plus de 60 ans après... Si nous prenons les deux équations de la Production et des Cost-Model, et que nous les mettions en perspective de la future démographie africaine, de ses besoins, des outils de la 4ème Révolution Industrielle, de l’accessibilité illimitée au Savoir gratuitement, une vraie réflexion sur la proposition de valeur socio-économique et industrielle se pose : - Quelle est la proposition de valeur de celles et ceux qui souhaitent être des partenaires de l’Afrique ? Répondre à cette question, c’est répondre à la réalisation d’une paix globale et durable bâtie sur une prospérité équitablement partagée. Speaker's page --- The intro video has been made by Dragan Stiglic: https://draganstiglic.myportfolio.com The director: Mohamed Jean-Philippe Sangaré Founder and CEO of SSVAR https://www.linkedin.com/in/msangare/
Eyes on the Sky: Towards Space Environmentalism
This talk made in October , 2020 has been given during the International Congress of Extended Reality in Sciences (https://dimensionsxr.com) organized by the Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality (SSVAR - https://ssvar.ch) #Bio Associate Professor Mrs. Pearlie Dashiell Henderson Centennial Fellowship in Engineering Department Research Areas: Orbital Mechanics Education: Ph.D., University of Colorado (Boulder) Research Interests: Non-gravitational astrodynamics and advanced/non-linear multi-sensor/object tracking, prediction, and information fusion Space object detection, tracking, identification, and characterization Spacecraft navigation Dr. Moriba Jah joined the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics in 2017. His research interests are in non-gravitational astrodynamics and advanced/non-linear multi-sensor/object tracking, prediction, and information fusion. His expertise is in space object detection, tracking, identification, and characterization, as well as spacecraft navigation. #Abstract There are half a million objects floating in space and only around two thousand function. With little regulation and monitoring, the space junk problem is exponentially growing. Private companies must be held responsible for their actions. Just like your city streets, there are specific highways in space. Most of the time, objects remain on the path. When a space object stops working, it drifts aimlessly into the cosmos. Rogue bits of metal and overcrowding in space highways pose a danger to the technologies we rely on and the future of space exploration. We need an accountability program. The space traffic footprint is a question of “What’s the burden that this object carries?.” This question serves as a sustainability metric. Near-Earth space is not within environmental protection standards. Also, near-earth space is a finite resource because of overcrowded specified lanes. Due to the lack of monitoring and legislation, the cosmic junkyard grows. Eyes on the Sky is a UT Austin led project to raise awareness, educate the masses, crowdsource information about stuff in space, monitor space traffic, and address humanity’s next wicked environmental problem. Visit : Eyes on the Sky for more info. Speaker's page https://dimensionsxr.com/congress-speakers/dr-moriba-jah/ --- The intro video has been made by Dragan Stiglic: https://draganstiglic.myportfolio.com The director: Mohamed Jean-Philippe Sangaré Founder and CEO of SSVAR https://www.linkedin.com/in/msangare/
Applications of space sciences for the development of Africa
This talk made in October , 2020 has been given during the International Congress of Extended Reality in Sciences (https://dimensionsxr.com) organized by the Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality (SSVAR - https://ssvar.ch) #Bio Dr Labaly TOURE, Geographer-Geomatician, Researcher Teacher is the Director of GEOMATICA, a company of expertise, training and research and development in applied geomatics in Africa. International consultant, he carried out several expert missions in Senegal and in many countries in Africa. He is a member of several research groups. He is the author of several scientific articles and a book on setting up a GIS for land management. He is among others the Vice-President of the Network of African Professionals of Geomatics (RPAG) and President of the Training Commission of the Senegalese Association of Geomatics Professionals (ASPG). #Abstract Africa is a booming continent characterized by the dynamism of a youth at the heart of innovation and creativity. Africa is moving in all sectors thanks to technological innovations. Digital technology is changing the face of Africa because in all sectors there are digital applications and products and services from space science. Satellite observation has become a privileged tool for providing the necessary information on the territories, at different scales. But the low number of operational services on the African continent testifies to operational difficulties. These difficulties are of a technical nature (capacity to access and process images, adaptation of methods to local conditions, integration of local know-how, etc.), economic (cost of the equipment necessary for image processing) and organizational ( culture of spatial information, training, management of information flow, synergy between actors, sustainability of partnerships, etc.). Our presentation will focus on the challenges and difficulties of space technologies in Africa. We will also share some of our application experiences in Senegal. Speaker's page https://dimensionsxr.com/congress-speakers/professor-labaly-toure/ --- The intro video has been made by Dragan Stiglic: https://draganstiglic.myportfolio.com The director: Mohamed Jean-Philippe Sangaré Founder and CEO of SSVAR https://www.linkedin.com/in/msangare/
Developer’s Perspective: AR/VR Content Creation using a low-powered computer
#Title: Developer’s Perspective: AR/VR Content Creation using a low-powered computer This talk made in October 30, 2020 has been given during the International Congress of Extended Reality in Sciences (https://dimensionsxr.com) organized by the Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality (SSVAR - https://ssvar.ch) #Bio I’m a game developer and multimedia arts instructor with professional experience in desktop and mobile game development. I love conceptualizing gameplay designs emphasizing on user experience and psychology of mobile game patterns. My key strengths include project management, process optimization through the evaluation of new technologies, graphic design, and 3D modeling. As a proud professor of game development, my students have successfully landed a job in the game industry GameLoft, Casual Connect, Aarki, Inc., and BoomZap entertainment. My e-courses about game development in Udemy, SkillShare and Youtube have garnered over 1000 students worldwide. I have also conducted several talks and workshops. Among one of them was at the Pocket Gamer’s Connect Conference in London, the biggest mobile games show in Europe, where I conducted a talk about UX in Mobile Game Design. #Abstract In light of the COVID-19 crisis and work from home recommendations, virtual and augmented reality applications help train employees in various industries while working from home. There are already a lot of VR and AR apps in the market that will assist work from home employees. But from a developer’s point of view, they need a high-powered computer to create VR and AR content. Is it possible to create VR and AR content if our employees (or is it even possible teach students AR/VR development) if they not own high-powered computers that need to run high-powered software (such as Unity or Unreal Engine)? This talk will discuss the different strategies and possible options to create VR and AR content using a low-powered computer in the comfort of your own home. Speaker's page https://dimensionsxr.com/congress-speakers/rexcel-cariaga/ --- The intro video has been made by Dragan Stiglic: https://draganstiglic.myportfolio.com The director: Mohamed Jean-Philippe Sangaré Founder and CEO of SSVAR https://www.linkedin.com/in/msangare/
Computer Vision, Mixed Reality and Spatial Computing
This talk made in October , 2020 has been given during the International Congress of Extended Reality in Sciences (https://dimensionsxr.com) organized by the Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality (SSVAR - https://ssvar.ch) #Bio Marc Pollefeys is a full professor in the Institute for Visual Computing of the Dept. of Computer Science of ETH Zürich since 2007 where he leads the Computer Vision and Geometry lab and Director of Science at Microsoft HoloLens since July 2016. Since July 2018 he leads the Microsoft MR&AI lab in Zurich. He was previously associated with the Dept. of Computer Science of the UNC Chapel Hill where he started the computer vision group as an assistant professor in 2002 and became an associate professor in 2005. Before he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium, where he also received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 1994 and 1999, respectively. His main area of research is computer vision. One of his main research goals is to develop flexible approaches to capture visual representations of real world objects, scenes and events. Dr. Pollefeys has received several prizes for his research, including a Marr prize, an NSF CAREER award, a Packard Fellowship and an ERC starting grant. He is the author or co-author of more than 300 peer-reviewed or invited papers. #Abstract This talk will discuss how computer vison is the key to enable many aspects of Mixed Reality experiences. We will in particular take a look at the computer vision technology build inside HoloLens2 to enable both natural user interaction and spatial computing capabilities. We’ll also see how by building on these technologies Mixed Reality can go well beyond current personal computing devices in assisting users to perform complicated tasks and in interacting and collaborating with autonomous robots. Speaker's page https://dimensionsxr.com/congress-speakers/dr-marc-polleyfeys/ --- The intro video has been made by Dragan Stiglic: https://draganstiglic.myportfolio.com The director: Mohamed Jean-Philippe Sangaré Founder and CEO of SSVAR https://www.linkedin.com/in/msangare/
XR Coalition :The New Normal Of XR
This talk made in October , 2020 has been given during the International Congress of Extended Reality in Sciences (https://dimensionsxr.com) organized by the Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality (SSVAR - https://ssvar.ch) #Bio April Boyd-Noronha Executive Lead, CyberXR Coalition. Global Diversity & Inclusion Advisor and Board Member, XR Safety Initiative Bio: April Boyd-Noronha is the Executive Lead for the CyberXR Coalition, launched by the XRSI to address the need for diversity and inclusion in both the cybersecurity and XR domain and to address social and technical biases in emerging technologies to build safer and inclusive ecosystems for all. She has over 20 years of experience in academia and advanced technologies as a global keynote speaker, thought leader, and advisor on emerging trends and the future of work on equity, diversity, and inclusion. April also is a Professor of HIM and Cybersecurity. #Abstract Amidst the immersive tech industry’s obsession to create the next best killer app in VR and AR, we also see it dismissing the bigger picture that Extended Reality is a human journey and it brings along with it human-centered challenges. The human-centered design affords the XR industry an opportunity to actively address the human side of what’s brewing beneath the surface of our very existence – the impact and dire consequences of the lack of inclusion, equity, and accessibility in all the facets of our lives. The same biases displayed in the headlines covering the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor cases are in fact the same biases that go into data sets and moderation tools that put people of color and historically marginalized populations at risk in immersive environments as well. In this panel, the CyberXR Coalition discusses their unique approach to helping build safe and inclusive environments in XR, while shifting the mindset to create awareness of these very issues and draw a baseline via standards and frameworks to potentially provide solutions coupled with strategic collaboration. Speaker's page https://dimensionsxr.com/congress-speakers/cyber-xr-coalition/ --- The intro video has been made by Dragan Stiglic: https://draganstiglic.myportfolio.com The director: Mohamed Jean-Philippe Sangaré Founder and CEO of SSVAR https://www.linkedin.com/in/msangare/