
Please read with attention

SSVAR welcomes anyone!

  • But you must understand that it's a professional network.
  • So please avoid alias and fill accurately your profile so you can benefit from the network!
  • After your validation, you will have to decide whether :
    • you want to be just a subscriber user (no access to the users ring, special docs etc...). But you can receive our newsletter.
    • if you want to become a full member (contributor), you should consider paying an annual fee with the advantages described in the following page:
    • Membership fees .
    • If you want to register for a company or school, please use its name as username and fill the profile with all the correct informations.
    • Registering as a company will allow you to post jobs offers if you pay the annual fees.
  • Wait for your user's validation before paying otherwise you should contact us after to change your profile.

Thank you!



  • Become a member of the community!

    Enjoy privileges!




We organize local and international forums, business networking events, game  jams, hackathons, dev camps and workshops.

Equipment rent

We rent our equipment for our members for private projects: Oculus Rift, HTC VIVE, SAMSUNG GEAR etc.

Permanent monitoring

We publish on social networks and remain abreast of current trends and innovations.

Community projects

You can take part in our community projects (Swiss school day VR Project, Virtual Dev Camp, etc.)

Free usage

Free usage of some of the association's equipment for community projects.


Access to the resources made available to all our members (tutorials, ebooks etc.)


Priority invitation to events, workshops and meetups


Meet enthousiasts and professionals in the area of virtual and augmented reality.


Opportunity to participate in the life of the association (parties, invitations to General Assembly meetings and reports)

Become a member of the community!

Enjoy privileges!