#DIMENSIONSXR2020 : Sci-Arts,Gaming and Cinema

Join for the presentations, the panel discussion, demos, and networking centered around exploring how immersive technologies are being applied to entertainment.


Dr Daniel Landau

Daniel Landau - is a media artist, researcher, and lecturer. Daniel’s work resides at the intersection of art, science, and technology - exploring the complex relationship between body and technology. His work has been presented in major venues, museums, and festivals worldwide. Daniel led the Media Studies department at the Midrasha Faculty of the Arts, and since 2014 he lectures at the Interdisciplinary Centre, Herzliya.  Daniel was recently invited to UCLA as a visiting lecturer and he is currently a doctoral candidate at the Aalto University Media Lab, Finland.

He is Founder and Director of The Mediated-Body Lab in collaboration with Prof. Doron Friedman, which is an interdisciplinary research laboratory at the school of communications IDC Herzliya aimed at creating a bridge between humanities, arts, and sciences to study the complex relationship between body and technology. At the core of our investigation is the impact of the human-machine co-evolution on both a social level and the personal one. Addressing the complexity of the topic requires multi-disciplinary efforts and in-depth cross-fertilization between theory, methodologies, and practices. Typical outcomes of our work may take shape in the form of academic papers, art installations, performances, workshops, and conferences.

Key themes of investigation:
• Virtual Embodiment and Subjectivity
• XR technologies for social impact
• Empathetic practices with the use of XR tech
• Posthumanism - from theory to practice


Pr. Sarah Kenderdine

Professor Kenderdine’s research is focused at the forefront of interactive and immersive experiences for galleries, libraries, archives and museums. Her internationally exhibited and critically acclaimed works amalgamates cultural heritage and new media in the fields of interactive cinema, augmented reality and embodied narrative. A former maritime archaeologist, she also researches extensively on the documentation and interpretation of world heritage sites. She has extensive experience throughout Asia researching tangible and intangible heritage.

Most recently, Kenderdine was the founding director of the Expanded Perception and Interaction Centre (EPICentre) at UNSW Australia in 2015, where she pioneered new visualization frameworks for medicine, engineering and the arts. This research included conceiving the world’s highest resolution fully interactive panoramic VR display system (EPICylinder). Sarah was also the director of the Laboratory for Innovation in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (iGLAM) and deputy director for the National Institute for Experimental Arts (NIEA) and the Centre for Cinematic Research (iCinema). She headed Special Projects for Museum Victoria 2003-2017. She was also founding director of research at the Applied Laboratory for Interactive Visualisation and Embodiment (ALiVE) at City University of Hong Kong, 2010-2015.

She received the Council for Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Prize for Distinctive Work in 2014, the International Council of Museums Award (Australia) 2014, the Inaugural Australian Arts in Asia Awards Innovation Award 2013, Tartessos Prize 2013 for contributions to virtual archaeology worldwide and the Digital Heritage International Congress & IMéRA Foundation Fellowship 2013 (Aix-Marseille University).

In 2015, she was elected President of the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities, a post she will continue to hold until September 2017.

Bio and CV



The forms of convergence of theory and practice fascinate me. This is why my studies and work always have been and are forming a bridge between both aspects. Besides my studies in philosophy (BA in PUCP Lima, MA in FU Berlin, and actually at PHD in UNAM Mexico), theatrology and musicology, in which my themes are perception, art theory and rethorics, I gained experience in different practical art forms (film, photo, music, also performing arts and their technical background). Actually I am researching about the technical and artistic matters of media, and especially new media.

I try to apply the bridge also in my work as adjunct professor, focusing on interdisciplinary and multiperspectivity approaches - for example the rhetorical structuring as a way to join emotional experience with medial (written, visual, etc) discourse.
This is fostered by the multiplicity of working areas: I don't believe in constraining creativity or curiosity.

New Media: interactivity and dynamic media (visuals, audio, phys computing), mainly in scenic context. Extended Reality.
Film and Video: directing, camera, editing, sound, sounddesign, illumination, writer, VJ.
On stage: director, illumination for dance and theater.
Teaching: argumentation (mainly for art projects), strategies of interdisciplinar work and communication, new media in scenic environment.
Concept consultant: assesment in innovation regarding new technologies.
Philosophy: epistemology, aesthetics (in the sense of perception), definition of research in general and in art in particular, phenomenology, theories of media.


Anton Sukhov

Since 2017, Associate Professor of the Chair of the History of Philosophy, Philosophical Anthropology, Aesthetics and History of Culture, Department of Philosophy. Ural Humanitarian Institute.

Author of the (first in Russia) electronic course “Immersion in Virtual Worlds: Interdisciplinary Research of Computer Games” / Game Studies

2012 – 2017. Associate Professor of the Chair of Ethics, Aesthetics, Theory & History of Culture, Department of Philosophy. Institute of Social and Political Sciences.

• “Game Studies” course (in English) for the foreign students of the Ural Federal University.
• “Immersion in Virtual Worlds: Modern Computer Games” for the 116 students of all specialties of the Ural Federal University (humanitarian, natural science and technical specialties).
• “Interdisciplinary Research of Computer Games” for the master students of the “Intellectual Systems”
• “Visionary Experience as a Phenomenon of Culture” for the Department of Philosophy
• “Cultural Studies” (Culturology) for the students of the Department of Linguistic (170 students, including foreign students), Department of Economics, the Institute of Public Administration, the Institute of Natural Sciences of the Ural Federal University (specializations of: 1) Physics; 2) Geodesy and Remote Sensing; 3) Standardization and Metrology; 4) Innovation; 5) Nanotechnology and Microsystem Technology; 6) Hydrometeorology; 7) Astronomy).
• “The Variety of Cultures in the Modern World” for the students of the Institute of Public Administration of the Ural Federal University.
• “Computer Games and Art, Computer Generative Art” for the students of the Institute of Training and Professional development.
• “Media Philosophy”
• “Modern Media Industry”
• “The Phenomenon of Media Art”
Developed New Electronic Courses
• “Immersion in Virtual Worlds: Interdisciplinary Research of Modern Computer Games”.
• “Infoethics” (Virtual Ethics, Trolling as the Ethical Problem).
