The scientific committee's mission is to help in choosing the best and most accurate papers for the conference.
Scientific committee
Dennis J Solomon
Founder & Trustee at HOLODECK®
- Cambridge, Massachusetts
At HOLODECK®, iHOLODECK®, AR4E & BIORGX we combine and innovate state-of-the technologies and content in XR/MR/AR/VR Realities, biomedicine, optics, computers and vision, with noted successes ranging from Accessible XR/AR/VR, Regenerative Human Body Components to the AV technologies at three Olympics, the Super Bowl and tours including U2 and Taylor Swift.
Privileged to part of the early holographers and vision scientists in Cambridge in the 1970s, sailed our vessel STARSHIP through a hurricane in 1975 and taken into the world of the Future by fellow West-Ender and family Leonard Nimoy who visit our Holodeck lab at MIT in 1979.
We have been successfully in developing non-invasive methodologies for the rapid assessment of epigenetic dynamics during stem cell transformation. These techniques enable the accelerated testing of prospective pharmaceuticals and other treatments, as well as enhanced regeneration of cells, neurons, organs and limbs. Applications include visual studies and regenerative vision.
We have also spin-out an Augmented/Virtual Reality enterprise including patented/pending headsets and Apps for science, education, industry, safety, government and entertainment under the iHolodeck/AR4E trademark. Under our HOLODECK® trademark, we are quietly creating the foundation technology for future AR/VR/XR/MR Experiences.
Thomas Boillat
Assistant Professor in Healthcare Innovation and Technologies | Design Lab
Thomas Boillat is an assistant professor in healthcare innovation and technologies. He is the co-founder of the Digital Lab, an initiative of the Mohammed Bin Rashid University Of Medicine and Health Sciences. He designs and evaluates solutions in the field of medicine and collaborates closely with physicians. He is also a Human-centered approach advocate and teaches Design Thinking to undergraduates, postgraduates and medical professionals. He also facilitates Design Thinking workshops and projects with medical professionals, designers, and engineers.
Prior his current position, he was a senior researcher in computer science at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and a visiting scholar at Stanford School of Medicine. He earned his PhD in Information Systems from the University of Lausanne, Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC). His doctoral studies focused on the design and uses of IT artifacts for individual routines in organizational contexts.
Prior his doctorate, Thomas worked in different small and big companies as well as for the scientific Swiss consulate (swissnex) in Boston.
Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris, PhD
Yassin Aziz Rekik, PhD
Ph.D. Computer Sciences, Federal Institute of Technologies in Lausanne - EPFL / Switzerland
Master in Computer Sciences, École Nationale des Sciences de l’Informatique - ENSI / Tunisia
From 2001 to 2005, Yassin Rekik worked as Senior Researcher at EPFL in the field of eLearning and Online Experimentation. Since 2006, he has been an associate professor in computer sciences at HES-SO. He is a specialist in Software Engineering and IT project management. He has led various research projects in the fields of Human Computer Interaction, Serious Gaming, and AR-VR Technologies.
Giovanni Landi
My career is tied to Immersive Technologies and Spatial Computing: started as data visualization scientist (cartography and oceanography), then AR developer, then AR/VR Creative Director, UX Designer and Evangelist.
I spoke at 4 editions of AWE and 2 TEDXs, presented my works at 2 ISMARs and I won an Auggie Award for an Augmented Reality Marketing Campaign.
I had the honor to work with some of the most important Italian museums. I designed and developed some of the most ambitious AR experiences in Italy. Mainly related to Cultural Heritage and art. One of them is a permanent exhibition at the Ara Pacis Museum in Rome that augments bas-reliefs from 9BC. It had over 100k visitors in the last 2 years.
I’m evangelizing about AR, TEDx speaking about AR, writing books about AR, lecturing about AR between Italy and Switzerland and training enterprises about business opportunities with Mixed Reality (Industry4.0).
I’m among the founders of the Italian Mixed Reality Association and AWEnite Italy.
In the past 4 years I had the pleasure to connect and discuss about the future (and the present!!) of AR and VR with great people among AWE, ISMAR, IEEE, ARinAction, Singularity University, AREA, VRARA, Unesco, European Union, and Universities around the world (MITMediaLab, Harvard Visualization Lab, ETH, EPFL, etc.).
Christine Perey
Widely-recognized consultant, researcher and industry analyst focusing on enabling technologies for and use of Augmented Reality since 2006.
- Provide leadership and innovation services to IT organizations and executives of large enterprises, governmental and multi-governmental agencies, and non-commercial entities with the goal of introducing and maturing Augmented Reality technologies for the purpose of improving operational performance and safety,
- Founder and, from 2013 to 2016, the first Executive Director of the AR for Enterprise Alliance (AREA), the only global member-based organization focusing on accelerating adoption of Augmented Reality in enterprise,
- Founder and chair of the Augmented Reality Community, a global grassroots organization seeking to accelerate development of open and interoperable Augmented Reality content and experiences, and
- Founding Director of PEREY Research & Consulting, a boutique consulting firm.
PEREY Research and Consulting provides expertise and thought leadership in all domains of Augmented Reality, Internet of Things and other adjacent technologies. We advise customers, vendors, application providers, research institutes and network operators on the design, launch and operation of Augmented Reality-enhanced technologies, products and services.
With our clients and partners we also manage and launch technology transfer programs, emerging technology and market growth initiatives, and global contests for Augmented Reality experience providers. All our initiatives cross domains in order to understand end-to-end requirements and build robust business strategies.
I am a pioneer in recognizing opportunities early and building the market for dynamic media technologies in personal computing and communication devices. For example, I founded, edited and published the “QuickTime Forum” for QuickTime developers from 1991 to 1993.
Eric Vezzoli, PhD
Eric a haptics enthusiast bringing value to the XR market with the sense of touch.
He is the youngest awarded by the European Commission for outstanding research applied to entrepreneurship in at the MSCA 2017 prizes, and won the Concour d'Innovation 2018 with Go Touch VR. He is one of the most cited young Haptic Scientist in the world. He published 23 scientific papers and deposed 5 patents.
Grégory MAUBON, PhD
Grégory MAUBON is digital coordinator at HCS Pharma, a biotech startup focused in high content screening and complex diseases. He manages IT missions and leads digital usages linked to company needs. He works on data management as CDO, to implement right tools for efficient usages, like Artificial Intelligence in picture analysing. He also deals with information as CIO and combines several technologies to improve marketing and communication tools for customers satisfaction.
He is also an independant consultant in augmented reality (presenter and lecturer) since 2008, where he created and founded in 2010 RA'pro (the french association for the promotion of augmented reality). He helped many companies (in several domains) to define precisely their augmented reality needs and supported them in the implementation.
Grégory MAUBON is also presenter and lecturer. He participates to organize many events like Laval Virtual and he is used to give conferences.
His experience of over 20 years in the digital domain led in IT and business departments. Always listening to the customer, in a spirit of service and solutions, this dual path enables him to be the interlocutor of all business components. He provides pragmatic solutions, in line with revealed needs and always consistent with the information system in place and the digital communication.
Computer enthusiast for a long time, he have a PhD in the field of physics and astrophysics. He acquired during this period technical computer skills and ability to manage a project in its entirety. He is also passionate about people and usages, he have learned to manage teams of all sizes, live or indirectly, to get them to give the best of themselves.
Guillaume Poirier
Mental health research and development strategist with > 17 years of neuroscience experience. Ability to analyze scientific literature and leverage multi-disciplinary neuroscience experience from cells to behavior to identify new translational opportunities, drive clinical improvements, harness new technologies, and ultimately identify actionable approaches to translate ideas into testable interventions across a breadth of medical conditions. Strong communication and cross-functional collaborative abilities, in international settings, coupled with leadership skills to translate concepts to non-technical and executive audiences and influence across a broad group of stakeholders.
Cognitive training. Translating cognitivea and neuroscience insights into product design, development, and testing, for the improvement of behavioral symptoms and disease burden.
Expertise in cognition, emotion, psychiatric diseases, and biomarkers (e.g. neural substrates of learning and memory, anxiety, depression, sociability, aggression, stress, HPA axis, substance use, Alzheimer's Disease, inflammation and the brain).
Design, implementation, and management of research studies.
Evaluation and analysis for Research & Development.
Actionable study insights from refined analysis. Advanced statistics experience (cluster, factor and discriminant analysis; structural equation modeling), application of multifactorial statistics to help identify causal relations and reduce the dimensionality of complex relationships between biological and behavioral (social, and psychological) measures.
Experimental cognitive training studies • Biomarkers • Non-invasive, magnetic resonance imaging • Magnetic resonance spectroscopy • Neurochemistry • Network connectivity • Advanced statistics • Individual vulnerability and resilience to develop neuro-/psychopathology