This Saturday November 26th, in Geneva the SSVAR (Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality) made its first meeting.
To our visitors: the SSVAR is definitely born and YOU were the doctors, family, friends...That really matters. No word to say. Thank you all!
- Public session: between 100 and 150 visitors
- Professional session : about 50 attendees.
- Hardware : 3 HTC Vive / 2 Oculus Rift/ 6 Samsung Gear VR/1 Ipad/Iphone/ Darix Vizir Glasses/1 Parrot Drone
That proves that the virtual and augmented reality market is (almost) ready in Switzerland.
What were missing until now are evangelists, promoters and strong marketing and public actions... We at SSVAR we are working on that.
We are open to work with market majors or anyone with interest in VR/AR. We'll continue our mass actions by doing regular Meetups/VR Cafés/VR Cinema etc... while preparing our second professional meeting for the start of 2017.
Discussions are open for partnership/sponsorship.
Ps. 3 more things:
1. LinkedIn:
- Please feel free to request a connection to each of us.
- Join the Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality group for discussion.
2. on SSVAR website:
Go and register on the Membership page :
3. Special Thanks to Darix (
Martijn Bosch & Adrien Birbaumer from EPFL
Check our partners sites:
- Prodimex (Chapuis Fabrice):
- Scanways (Marco Mari):
- Scenicview (Tim Schmittler):
- Samsung (Tim Schmittler):
- Oniroforge (Hoang-Qui) : http://oniroforge
- Impact Hub (Felix, Dario, Ilaria) :