Last week, UploadVR let you know about 10 great SteamVR games that work well with the Rift and Touch by default. Now that the Touch controllers have officially released into the world, we decided to tackle the topic in a bit more detail. How well do the Oculus Touch controllers work with SteamVR apps that...
Tag: #VR #AR
Virtual experience gets the elderly to exercise
Virtual Reality can get the elderly in nursing homes to be happier about exercising. A new research project shows that the technology motivates older people in nursing homes to get moving. Source: Virtual experience gets the elderly to exercise
Typing while driving could be more safe with simple text entry technique
A combination of a head-up display and the keypad familiar to us from mobiles in the 2000s significantly improved the performance of drivers who were texting while driving. Source: Typing while driving could be more safe with simple text entry technique
Key component for wireless communication with terahertz frequencies
An ultrahigh speed, wireless communication network using THz instead of GHz frequencies is now one step closer. Researchers have shown that it is possible to effectively transmit signal waves with THz frequencies through the existing fiber optic network. Source: Key component for wireless communication with terahertz frequencies
Virtual reality training improves social skills of individuals on the autism spectrum
Children with autism spectrum disorder, who participated in a virtual reality training program, improved social cognition skills and reported better real-world relationships. Neurocognitive testing showed significant gains in emotional recognition, understanding the perspective of others and the ability to problem solve. Source: Virtual reality training improves social skills of individuals on the autism spectrum
New 3D viewer for improved digital geoscience mapping
Over the years, techniques and equipment for digital mapping have revolutionized the way geoscience field studies are performed. Now a unique new software for virtual model interpretation and visualization is revealed by researchers. Source: New 3D viewer for improved digital geoscience mapping
Weakness found in common computer chip
A weakness has been found in the Haswell central processing unit (CPU) components that makes common computer operating systems vulnerable to malicious attacks. Computer hackers could take control of individual, company and government computers if a weak point in address space layout randomization (ASLR) software is exploited by manipulating a CPU’s branch predictor, a piece...
Helping dementia patients recall grandchildren's names
A novel telemedicine speech therapy program for people with language problems due to dementia significantly improved their ability to recall words they had “lost,” reports a study. Source: Helping dementia patients recall grandchildren's names
Designing the future internet
This century, our world will be flooded with hundreds of billions of smartphones, gadgets, sensors and other smart objects connected to the internet. New research is at the forefront of efforts to redesign the internet to handle the enormous increase in traffic. Source: Designing the future internet
World-first demonstration of virtualized 5G architecture
The University of Surrey’s 5GIC (part of the Institute for Communications Systems) has — for the first time worldwide — produced a full demonstration of its FDC, which points to a significant reduction in deployment, optimisation and upgrade costs for network operators. The FDC was demonstrated over LTE-A (an advanced version of the Long Term...