First Big Virtual and Augmented Reality Conference and Demo in Geneva
You have a deep interest interest in Virtual, Augmented or Mixed Reality’s and you live in Switzerland?
The SSVAR (Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality) a non-profit organization invites you to its first meeting.
Conferences planning:
1. State of the art of Virtual Reality (15 min)
- by Naem Baron Virtual Reality (VR) engineer, has worked at the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences of the University of Geneva. Project management of the VR platform of the university, where he was developing applications for immersive VR research in the fields of cognitive and affective sciences.
2. Augmented Reality today. Theoretical questions and practical challenges (15 min)
- by Adrien Birbaumer. EPFL Researcher and Developer of an Augmented Reality solution for firefighters. Exploring the technological feasibility using the latest technology in wearable sensors and displays as well as the commercial opportunities.
3. Presentation of the SSVAR (Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality) (15 min)
by the founders :
- Jean-Philippe Mohamed Sangaré : President/CEO
- Olivier Joureau : Art and Creative Director
- Naem Baron ; CTO and strategy
- Elwyn Onomor: CFO and Head of Content
- Mourad Jaber : Chief Communication Officer
4. Meet our partners, try VR/AR hardwares, grow your VR/AR network (until 8:pm)
Vizir by Darix
Demo of CoSpace
Autodesk Maya with VR-Plugin demo on Oculus Rift
VR Games HELL ELUJA by Oniroforge
Real Estate disruptive application by Hovve
BIM and Virtual reality by Scanways
360 Videos by Tim Schmittler Scenicview
Augment an Augmented reality app demo
Networking with VR/AR/MR pro
Networking with VR/AR/MR pro
HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear, Augmented Reality glasses (special glasses from EPFL)
Prodimex : Sales and IT support. Computer assembly and brand PC sales
Impact Hub our host and partner, located in the heart of Geneva, provide a space where entrepreneurs and innovators come together to prototype new models for a society that works for all – connecting sectors, industries and cultural background.
Note : If you can’t register on EventBrite send a mail to [email protected]
Places are limited!
Contact phone:
+41786425398 or +41787748439