SSVAR at Global Mobile Broadband Forum with Huawei #HWMBBF
#HWMBBF SSVAR is thrilled to announce its participation at the Huawei Global Mobile Broadband Forum in #Zurich in October 15 and 16th 2019.
We are leading a group of four top-notch Swiss startups and SME all members of our network:
jAMAZE AG – Ihr Spezialist für innovative audiovisuelle Anwendungen
Bitforge AG
Archon VR
You’ve heard a lot about #5G technology. Now experience and see the latest applications at work at #HWMBBF 2019. A real 5G world awaits you at Zurich
5G has arrived and we’re gearing up for it at this year’s #HWMBBF 2019 event.
The October 26, I’ll be moderating a panel of XR* specialists during a talk on :
“Will 5G really accelerate the XR mass adoption?”
#XR mass adoption is coming but slowly…
Cloud XR will benefit surely from a high connectivity but is it sufficient?
What’s about the contents?
The hardware?
The costs?
Join us for this exciting talk!
If you want a private meeting with us please contact me via DM or [email protected]
* XR stands for eXtended Reality (Umbrella word for VR,AR and MR)
#Huawei, #5G, #Real5G, #5GCity, #WirelessIntelligence, #Automation, #SmartIndustry, #Mobility, #Cloud, #AR, #VR, #Gaming, #AI