Best VR Headset 2019 [WINNERS] – Buying Guide and Virtual Reality Headset Reviews

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⭐️ Mobile/Smartphone VR Headsets ⭐️

Google Cardboard (01:31) ➡️

Google Daydream View (03:10) ➡️

Samsung Gear VR (04:16) ➡️

⭐️ Gaming VR Headsets ⭐️

Oculus Rift (05:48) ➡️

HTC Vive (07:20) ➡️

Sony PlayStation VR (08:26) ➡️

Buying Guide (10:00)

All these links will redirect you to Amazon (.com,, etc.) where you can view detailed photos, features and the price in real time.

Which VR headset should you buy in 2019? We’ve taken a closer look at the VR headset options available today, both mobile VR headsets, also known as smartphone VR headsets and full-scale gaming VR headsets.

We showcase the very best VR headsets in this video, so that you can make a smart purchase. We’ve excluded Windows mixed reality headsets in this video, as we will save it for another one in the future.

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