Rhythm Shooter ‘Audica’ Launches on PSVR with 4 Exclusive Songs

VR News, Sales, Releases (W 42/19) Boneworks Update, FNAF VR DLC, Quest Update, Ironman VR

This week, VR and AR Weekly News will include Boneworks Update, FNAF VR DLC, Quest Update, Ironman and the latest VR Sales and Releases.

Resident Evil 7 VR Arcade

Audica PSVR

Rhythm Shooter ‘Audica’ Launches on PSVR with 4 Exclusive Songs


New Five Nights At Freddy’s VR DLC Is On The Way

Varjo VR-2

Varjo Launches VR-2 Headset with SteamVR Support, Improved ‘Bionic Display’, and Hand-tracking Option

Separation PSVR

Ambiguous PSVR Adventure Separation Gets First Gameplay Footage

Ironman VR Launch

‘Iron Man VR’ for PSVR Delayed Until May 15th

Boneworks Complete

Boneworks Can Now Be Played From Start To Finish

Oculus Quest Cast update

Oculus Quest Update Improves Casting Quality & Latency, Supports More Cast Devices

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(Source for Thumbnail-Picture und description text: Boneworks)

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