Sniper Elite VR – 7 Minutes Of Snipers Nest Immersive Gameplay

We’re back with another look at next week’s big release, Sniper Elite VR. Today, we’re taking a look at one of the game’s sniper missions with some new options.

In our last video we showed one of the game’s larger maps with full UI options, regular killcam and without the camera riding the bullet whenever the killcam activates. For this mission, we’ve completely turned off all HUD elements save for the indicator when using the Focus mode (which is on by default in the Normal difficulty mode). You can also see what it’s like to ride a bullet into an enemy’s skull, if that’s a thing that interests you.

New Sniper Elite VR Gameplay

This is again recorded on PC and taken from one of the early levels in the game’s campaign.

Check back tomorrow when we’ll be talking to Rebellion and JAW about the making of Sniper Elite VR, and we’ll have more gameplay before the week is out, too. Also make sure to check out our list of four things the game seems to be getting right based on what we’ve played so far.

Source: Sniper Elite VR – 7 Minutes Of Snipers Nest Immersive Gameplay

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