Hotel Novotel Amsterdam City Europaboulevard 10, 1083 AD, AmsterdamWe are in the dawn of a new immersive tech era - but there is still much to learn about the capabilities of XR. The SSVAR will be at VRX Europe 2019 (10-11 April, Amsterdam) to find out about market intelligence, innovations & strategies for short and long term success – and we have a […]
Applying Artificial Intelligence and Brain Computer Interfaces in Extended Reality
Google Zurich Brandschenkestrasse 110, 8002, ZürichSSVAR Artificial Intelligence & Brain-Computer Interface in XR conference taking place May 3, 2019 both in person in Zurich and online. #AIBCIXR2019 At Google HQ in Zurich, SSVAR will be connected to some brilliant Human brains in order to come up with the beginning of the answer to these fundamental questions for our species future: […]
2019 Asia VR&AR Fair&Summit
VRARFAIRASIA Area A of China Import&Export Fair Complex, Guangzhou2019 Asia VR&AR Fair&Summit (short for: VR&AR Fair 2019) Date: May 9th-12th, 2019 Venue: Area A of China Import&Export Fair Complex, Guangzhou, China Asia VR&AR Fair&Summit has been successfully held for two consecutive years (Twice a year, Guangzhou(Main) and Wuhan), becoming the One and Only Professional Demonstration and Trade Platforms of the VR&AR Industry in […]
ETH Universitätstrasse 6, zurich#HOMIXR2019 : SSVAR is thrilled to announce its next meetup hosted by one of the most prestigious universities ETH Zürich ( where at the beginning of 1912, Einstein was appointed as professor for theoretical physics: time passed... ;-) ) #Theme "Human-object&machine interaction extended reality" "The convergence of the Internet of Things and interactive systems will […]
SAMSUNG HALL Hoffnigstrasse 1, Dübendorf, ZurichMEET SSVAR AT STARMUS V Starmus is a unique biennial festival bringing together leading scientists, legendary astronauts and iconic musicians and artists who share their passion for knowledge with the public. AN EVENT OF COSMIC DIMENSIONS 15 Nobel prize-winners attending 20 astronauts 50 scientists and engineers speaking 15 musicians and artists 3000 attendees The fifth […]
SSVAR at Afric’up in Tunis: Virtual reality in Africa
LAICO TUNIS Avenue Mohamed V Place Des Droits De L'Homme, Tunis#partnership Ssvar Switzerland is a proud partner of the next Afric'Up summit in Tunis September 24-25th. SSVAR's CEO Mohamed Jean-Philippe Sangaré will be there to talk about #virtualreality and #augmentedreality in the future Africans #smartcities and animate an #XR workshop for young entrepreneurs. #Links : * Summit : https://africup.tn * SSVAR : https://ssvar.ch Thanks to […]
SSVAR au Forum économique de la ville de Gland!
Grand Theatre Gland Gland, VAUD#VR hashtag#AR #GLAND Je suis très heureux d'avoir été invité à présenter la SSVARau Forum Economique de la ville de Gland (Suisse). Présenter la réalité virtuelle et augmentée aux acteurs économiques de cette dynamique cité est très excitant! La Société Suisse de réalité virtuelle et augmentée est à ce jour la plus grande organisation dans […]
SSVAR at Global Mobile Broadband Forum with Huawei #HWMBBF
Exhibition Hall Messe Wallisellenstrasse 49, Zürich#HWMBBF SSVAR is thrilled to announce its participation at the Huawei Global Mobile Broadband Forum in #Zurich in October 15 and 16th 2019. We are leading a group of four top-notch Swiss startups and SME all members of our network: Parquery jAMAZE AG - Ihr Spezialist für innovative audiovisuelle Anwendungen Bitforge AG Archon VR You've […]
SSVAR promotes: 2019 Fall State of The AR Cloud Symposium and Showcase
Telekom Lounge Allianz Arena Werner-Heisenberg-Allee 25, MunichOpen AR Cloud (OARC) is proud to invite all those interested in learning the latest insights about AR Cloud technology and to experience the state of the art at Telekom Lounge in the Allianz Arena on Wednesday, October 16, 2019. At this important, full-day event, OARC will present the updates of their work and celebrate […]
MOC Exhibition Center Lilienthalallee 40, München4th annual Awe EU "The Most Essential AR/VR Conference and Expo"- Forbes Munich, Germany - October 17-18 AWE (Augmented World Expo) is the world’s most essential AR+VR conference and expo, with annual dates in the USA, Asia, Israel and Europe, as well as meetup chapters around the world. AWE brings together a diverse mix of […]