Oh boy easy there fellah. You came in here pretty fired up from that headline, huh? Well here, take a seat and I’ll put that pitchfork in the closet. Don’t worry it will still be there if you need it but for now just here me out. The HTC Vive is a miracle of modern...
Author: ssvar
Social VR Platform ‘High Fidelity’ Launches In Steam Early Access
Earlier this week we took a look at Sansar, Linden Lab’s ambitious follow up to to Second Life for VR headsets. We came away impressed by the platform, but it’s not without some competition. High Fidelity, a social VR platform spearheaded by former Linden Lab employee and Second Life creator, Philip Rosedale, today launched on...
Exterminate Bugs In Your VR Gaming Design With SceneExplorer
As the popularity and ease-of-access grows for VR development, so shall the amount of people working on projects. With that reality comes so many creators trying to provide unique experiences while refining things to the best of their ability and as quickly as possible. CognitiveVR, a Vancouver-based analytics company founded in 2015, is providing a...
VR Creation Sandbox ‘Anyland’ Shouldn’t Fly Under Your Radar
Steam is a great place for games, but that’s about it. Did you even know Valve’s digital storefront sold movies? They’re rare, but they’re there. And with all the VR content that’s flooding the platform each week, we’re also bound to miss some of the smaller, more experimental pieces that don’t capture our attention with...
Caterpillar Is Using AR To Connect Workers And Maintenance Support
The presence of mixed reality in industries outside of entertainment is constantly growing. With augmented reality specifically, we recently reported on an intriguing way an elevator company was equipping their technicians with HoloLens to make their work a great deal safer and more efficient. Scope AR is partnering up with the construction and mining juggernaut...
Can VR Bridge the Culture Gap & Counter Cultural Indoctrination?
Depending on who you were rooting for in the US election, last night was either a shocking and sobering wake-up call to a reality that you don’t feel a part of or it was a jubilant celebration of a victory that was doubted and underestimated by the mainstream political and media establishments. Either way, what’s...
‘Cowbots and Aliens’ Is A Whimsical Roomscale Western VR Shootout
There’s something magical about interacting with and talk to another person in the same VR environment. When I sit on my couch on PSN party chat talking to friends while we play games together, it doesn’t feel like we’re occupying the same digital space. Even if we’re playing the same game and are shooting enemies side...
Q&A With Matt Bell: How Matterport Started Capturing The Real Estate Market In VR
A Matterport Space, or 3D Space, is a complete three-dimensional representation of a space, which lets you “walk” through the space to experience it as if you were there in VR. Anyone involved at the intersection of real estate and Virtual Reality has probably experienced a immersive walkthrough made with Matterport technology. Matt Bell Matt Bell...
NVIDIA Has Built VRWorks Into Unity, Builds Available Now
NVIDIA is offering early access to a version of Unity with the company’s VRWorks features integrated into the engine for enhanced VR performance. As developers explore the limitless potential of VR, performance and efficiency continue to be an essential focus of hardware and software. Unity, one of the most popular game engines for VR development,...
5 Rift And Vive Games That Need To Come To PlayStation VR
For some developers, porting an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive game to PlayStation VR is easier said than done. For starters, the PlayStation 4 that powers PS VR doesn’t measure up to the high-powered PCs behind the other two. PS VR also doesn’t have roomscale tracking and struggles with occlusion, making it harder to port...