A few weeks ago when reviewing Secret Sorcery’s Tethered I noted that there were curiously few god games for VR yet, especially on PlayStation VR. As it turns a great example of one such game has been on the platform since launch, it’s just not available in the west yet. That game is O! My...
Author: ssvar
Edit VR Video Without Removing Your Headset With Adobe’s CloverVR
Adobe is a software mainstay that serves as the foundation of a lot of creative and business ventures and developments, so it’s no surprise they’ve been quickly getting their foot in the door when it comes to virtual reality. We previously reported on the introduction of VR features to Creative Cloud in April and the...
‘Obduction’ Is Coming to Oculus Touch, PlayStation VR And HTC Vive
It seems like it took forever for for Cyan’s anticipated spiritual successor to Myst and Riven, Obduction [Review: 8/10], to come to the Oculus Rift. That’s largely thanks to a last-minute delay for VR support when the standard version launched a few months ago. As of last week, though, Obduction is finally available in VR...
Whack-a-Vote and Trump Piñata: 5 VR Experiences To Get You Through Election Day
“Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die,” this ancient gladiator quote seems oddly fitting to recall on the eve of the most contentious and, let’s face it, depressing U.S. presidential election in recent memory. This year, voters will have the privilege of choosing between a candidate with so many skeletons in her closet...
Fan-Made Pokémon Battle System Offers Glimpse into Augmented Reality’s Future
Pokémon GO isn’t exactly what we’d call augmented reality—based on the game’s (and smartphone’s) lack of computer vision and environmental mapping—but fans of the megalithic pocket monster franchise aren’t sitting on their hands waiting for Nintendo or Niantic to build a real augmented reality version of Pokémon. Case in point: KennyWdev and Joshua Liew’s imagined AR battle system for...
Eye-Tracking Group Tobii Plans To Invest $16 Million In VR By 2019
With its eye-tracking solution already on the market, Tobii could be a big player in VR going forward. Today, the company announced investment plans that it hopes will make that happen. The Swedish company plans to invest around $16.6 million in VR over the next three years using money it intends to raise by offering...
Disney Is Working On A VR Chair With Haptic Feedback
Disney has some form of VR content on the way to the Oculus Rift and Gear VR before the end of the year, but this new project from the company’s Research division looks like something else entirely. Last week the popular film studio published a paper for ‘VR360HD’, which it described as a “VR360° Player with...
Pokémon Go To Offer More Incentive To Play With Daily/Weekly Bonuses
Pokémon Go, the viral megahit that signaled the return to form of Nintendo (until investors learned Nintendo didn’t own the rights to the game), has stumbled in a massive way since launch. They took away the crucial tool that helped people find Pokémon within the game, eliminated 3rd party options, and generally soured the experience of fans early...
EA’s ‘Star Wars’ PS VR Experience Made In ‘Close Collaboration’ With ILMxLAB
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is just over a month away from hitting theaters, and we’re hoping Battlefield developer DICE’s companion VR experience, Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: X-wing VR Mission, will arrive on PlayStation VR around the same time. But DICE isn’t the only developer with a hand in the demo. As you’ll...
Upload LIVE Show weekly recap: 10/30/16
Every week, we are Live at Five on Facebook to show you all the latest and greatest of VR experiences that we can get our hands on. Every show is shot using a green screen and an HTC Vive in the Mixed Reality mode to give you the best angles to watch. This week was...