New Video Shows Suit And Weapon Customization In Iron Man VR For PSVR

We’re only just over a week away from the release of Iron Man VR, and so promotional material is ramping up ahead of the July 3 launch. The latest Iron Man VR video from PlayStation runs through some of the customization and adjustments you’ll be able to make to Tony’s suit as you play through the game.

In the video, Designer Ryan Darcey from Camouflaj notes that while flying and shooting is the “bread and butter” of Iron Man VR, you’ll also spend some time in the iconic Malibu mansion playing as and learning more about Tony. It’s here that you’ll be able to visit the garage to modify and upgrade the Iron Man suit in various ways.

According to Ryan Payton, Director of Iron Man VR and Founder at Camouflaj, the garage “allows players to kind of relax, just be Tony, listen to the radio, work out, but also be able tweak the suit and make it feel like this is your suit that you’re customizing and improving.” You can take a look at that customization system in the video embedded below — it looks like you’ll have a fairly high degree of control over not just the weapons, but also the aesthetic of the suit too.

You’ll be able to customize the repulsion and also craft additional weapons to add to your suit for equipping in auxiliary slots or augment slots, which allow you to craft different types of upgraded equipment. You can improve things like your thrusters and your HUD capabilities.

We know that Iron Man VR will feature 8-10 hours of ‘full-fledged, high-quality, AAA VR’ and it’s a fresh take on the story of Tony Stark rather than just an origin story. Combining that info with these new details on upgrading and tweaking your armor, and you can color us very excited.

Iron Man VR releases exclusively for PlayStation VR on July 3rd. Check out our Iron Man VR coverage hub here for more details on the game, our interview article and our latest hands-on impressions.

The post New Video Shows Suit And Weapon Customization In Iron Man VR For PSVR appeared first on UploadVR.

Source: New Video Shows Suit And Weapon Customization In Iron Man VR For PSVR

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