Population: One Season One Adds New Weapons, Map Changes

Population: One developers BigBox VR have confirmed details about the game’s upcoming Season One event, which begins sometime this month and will include new weapons, map updates and more.

The season, titled ‘Uprising’, will last 10 weeks and “sets the stage for a continuously updated battle royale game where the combat will never be the same.” BigBox says that the season will include”tons of free new content, new weapons, new map updates, and more!”

The announcement comes with a short teaser trailer, which you can watch above, and some more details on the aforementioned new weapons.

Season One will introduce a knife and katana as melee weapons, an addition that was teased a few weeks ago in a tweeted GIF. The other announced weapon is the high-powered light machine gun (LMG) which “provides a new support class weapon to suppress enemy fire so squadmates can flank for the win,” pictured below.

Those are all the details we have on new content for now, but expect more to come when the season starts sometime later this month. Early Access sign-ups for Season One began a few weeks ago, through the game’s Discord server.

Population: One launched in November last year, and in our review we crowned it the new king of VR battle royale shooters. More recently, the game launched its ‘Darkest Days’ event which introduced a night version of the map, along with new skins and a 9v9 mode. The event ended a few days ago, which might indicate that Season One is set to start soon.

Stay tuned for more news in the next few weeks.

Source: Population: One Season One Adds New Weapons, Map Changes

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