It’s safe to say that Oculus Quest came out of the gates swinging.
Facebook’s standalone VR headset, which seems to have singlehandedly reignited the entire VR industry, launched with over 50 apps. In the months that have followed it’s cherry-picked a steady stream of other greatest hits to bring to an entirely new audience. The result is a platform that has a tightly curated list of fantastic VR experiences that are easy to discover.
But which are our favourites?
What Are The Best Oculus Quest Games?
We’ve poured over our list of the 25 best Oculus Quest games and experiences. Quest already spans a diverse number of genres, offering everything from accessible entry points to blockbuster titans.
If you’re looking to build out your library, you need to start here.
25. Raccoon Lagoon – See Our Coverage
Until Nintendo gets serious about VR, Raccoon Lagoon is probably the closest we’ll get to Animal Crossing in a headset. In this adorable island lifestyle game, you explore idyllic locations, completing tasks for an impossibly cute cast of critters. Full co-op support makes this a great jumping on point for those wanting a more relaxing VR experience.
24. Wands – Read Our Review
VR has no shortage of spellbinding adventures, but Wands is probably the best place to get your Harry Potter fix on Quest. In this magical duelling game you can customize your move set and take them into spectacular battles. Throw in PvP support and you have one of the most robust wizard games in VR and one of the best Oculus Quest games.
23. Fujii – Read Our Review
Fujii might be a little light on content, but it’s hard to deny that the game’s interactions and environmental design are top notch. This offers a virtual Eden in which you reawaken beautiful biomes by exploring and getting to grips with a hypnotic range of weird wildlife. It’s over before you really get to lose yourself in it, but you can revisit it to grow your own plants.
22. Orbus Reborn
The quest for a big budget VR MMO continues, but in the meantime Orbus VR is a fine place to whet your appetite. Orbus VR also recently went back and refined its traditional take on the beloved genre with pleasing results. This is one of the only places in VR to meet up online, pick your own class, and then level up across hours of content with full PC headset crossplay.
21. BoxVR
Beat Saber’s success has, inevitably, invited plenty of copycats but BoxVR stands out thanks to its commitment to fun and fitness. In this addictive rhythm boxing game you can track calories, set goals, and even create playlists to keep you working out as long as you like. Plus there’s online multiplayer to add in a welcome touch of competition. If you’re looking to lose weight with VR, this is one of the best places to do it.
20. Dreadhalls
Dreadhalls might win the award for the oldest VR game on Quest. This procedurally-generated scarefest first released in the early Gear VR days, but hasn’t lost any of its shock value on Facebook’s standalone headset. Explore murky labyrinths in search of escape, avoid death by monsters, and expect to jump and scream a lot. Fun for all the family, then.
19. Thumper – Read Our Review
Thumper might not be built with Quest’s platform in mind, but its compelling mix of anxiety-inducing atmosphere and visuals make it just as strong here as it was when it first launched on PSVR. You have to avoid destruction as you speed down a set path at alarming speed, struggling not to succumb to a chilling sense of dread as the pressure pumps up. There’s nothing else quite like it in VR and it remains one of the best Oculus Quest games.
18. Journey of the Gods – Read Our Review
Oculus itself once described Journey of the Gods as a Zelda-like adventure and we can’t think of a better way to put it. This might not have the scale of a Nintendo epic, but it captures the lively spirit and invention with satisfactory results. Whether you’re slaying monsters with a sword or calling upon the power of the gods to alter landscapes, Journey of the Gods presents a VR quest work undertaking.
17. Robo Recall Unplugged
We didn’t think Epic Games’ shiny shooter would ever be able to make it onto Quest. Boy were we wrong; the core experience remains fully intact here. This expansive wave shooter lets you tinker to your hearts content, finding the fun in robot massacre. Graphically it obviously doesn’t match the PC original, but it’s still a standout on Quest that proves the platform is capable of grand-scale VR games.
16. Apex Construct – Read Our Review
Apex Construct has to be one of the more ambitious ports from PC VR and PSVR to Quest, offering a full campaign built around the satisfaction that comes with firing a bow and arrow in VR. Fast Travel games pulled the conversion off with style, delivering a feature-complete version of a fun, if not spectacular adventure that gives you a glimpse of what a full VR game looks like.
15. Rec Room and VRChat
There are lots of social VR spaces out there, but few can compete with Rec Room and VRChat in terms of accessibility and content. Not only does Rec Room offer a pleasing mix of activities from sports to co-op quests, but it’s also given the community the tools to make its fun. And VRChat itself is a sprawling hub of VR possibilities, and you can explore them all with friends on other headsets and even make your own worlds and avatars. It feels like the closest we’ve gotten to Ready Player One so far. Plus — both apps are totally free!
14. Face Your Fears II
If VR is good for anything, it’s surely scaring the crap out of your friends. Face Your Fears II is specifically designed to do just that, offering a number of short scary scenarios you can dare others to sit through. Moreover, FYFII is convincing evidence that the best VR doesn’t have to mean long-form experiences that tick all the boxes; shorter, sharper apps can often leave a heavier impact.
13. Racket: NX
Racket: NX is unique because it imagines a sport that wouldn’t be possible in real life at all. It’s basically like playing solo racquetball in a some, floating in space. Each time you hit the ball it bounces back and around you in full 360 and is insanely addictive with it’s satisfying haptics and excellent audio. It’s is one of the few VR games where you can spend time refining a genuine skill just like you would in real life. It’s a great first-time experience too that embodies the benefits of wireless roomscale.
12. Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes
Four or so years on from its first VR release, KTANE remains one of the most instant and excellent ways to show VR at parties and gatherings. One player puts on a headset to defuse a bomb. Others refer to a free manual detailing the steps needed to survive. Players need to work together, communicating at every step to reach a safe outcome. It’s frantic, ridiculous, heated and a consistent essential in any VR library. That makes it one of the best Oculus Quest games.
11. Acron – Read Our Review
Acron is like capture the flag on acid… if you took acid in the middle of a forest. VR players become a tree that must throw seeds and other weapons at squirrels to stop them from stealing their nuts. The twist? Those squirrels are actually other players, joining in on smartphones via a free app working together to distract the VR user and claim their prize. It’s a winning concept that translates seamlessly into a fluid local multiplayer VR experience.
10. Job Simulator – Read Our Review
There’s a reason that Job Simulator remains one of the most referred-to VR experiences since launch in 2016. Its finely-tuned mix of engaging interactions and sandbox environments makes it the perfect place to introduce VR to others. This is silly, liberating and genuinely magical virtual experimentation. Expect the launch of Vacation Simulator on Oculus Quest to be just as significant.
9. Virtual-Virtual Reality – Read Our Review
VVR feels ahead of its time. It’s a narrative-driven VR experience that takes a satirical look at the future we’ve just put ourselves on by buying these shiny new headsets. It envisions a world in which players serve AI clients with outlandish obsessions. Though it’s sharp script starts off with its tongue in cheek, the further you dive into its twisted world, the more revealing this cautionary tale becomes. An essential piece of early VR storytelling.
8. The Exorcist: Legion VR – Read Our Review
Wolf & Wood was the perfect fit for an Exorcist VR game. The studio’s Chair in a Room series sought after a more harrowing brand of psychological scares compared to many cheaper horror games. It applies that logic to this disturbing five part series that does right by its namesake. Exorcist VR is methodical detective terror that you won’t want to miss, if you’re brave enough.
7. I Expect You To Die – Read Our Review
When Schell Games’ I Expect You To Die first launched years ago it offered a handful of levels that made for great escape room-style VR puzzling. Since then the developer had added yet more levels for free, making the Quest version that arrived in May 2019 the best release yet. This is a hugely enjoyable strand of trial-and-error brain teasing that’s designed specifically around VR.
6. Accounting+ – Read Our Review
VR doesn’t get weirder nor more surreal than Accounting+, and we mean that in a very good way. This mad mashup from the minds beind Rick and Morty and Crows, Crows, Crows is a startling, erratic exploration of character presence in VR. In Accounting+, grotesque creatures scream at you and friendly abominations are gutted accidentally. It’s scary, awkward, hilarious and a wide range of other things that many VR games aren’t. That makes it one of the best Oculus Quest games.
5. Moss – Read Our Review
Moss is another game that might not feel like a natural fit for Quest, but sings on the strength of its content alone. This third-person platformer builds a powerful bond between player and protagonist that fuels the innovative gameplay and joyful sense of discovery. If you don’t have a PSVR or PC headset, this is the best example of why VR doesn’t have to be first-person to succeed.
4. Red Matter – Read Our Review
Broadly speaking, many developers have done a pretty good job bringing their PC and console VR games to Quest. No one has pulled it off quite as well as Red Matter, though, which absolutely shines on the platform. In this intriguing adventure-mystery you journey to an alien planet to investigate an abandoned enemy base in the midst of a Cold War-style sci-fi conflict. But developer Vertical Robot puts immersion above all else, making for an experience you can truly lose yourself in.
3. Beat Saber – Read Our Review
VR’s poster child finds its most natural fit on Quest. Wire-free gameplay breaks down the barriers between you and the music as you slice your way through an ever-growing list of tracks. Beat Saber is empowering, energetic and VR’s most devilishly addictive game yet. Don’t expect that status to change any time soon.
2. Star Wars: Vader Immortal Episode I + II – Read Our Episode I Review
Star Wars: Vader Immortal is a fascinating example of a VR experience that toes the line between game and interactive narrative. Its considered story is a lesson in developer ILMxLAB’s self-labelled ‘story living’, going to great lengths to make you feel like a character in a galaxy far, far away. Its second episode may stumble, but at its best you feel like you’re really in the presence of the dark lord and wielding a real lightsaber. Not to mention the lightsaber dojo is one of the most exciting wave-based VR modes you’ll find out there.
1. Superhot VR – Read Our Review
We know, we know, another ‘Best 25 List’, another win for Superhot VR. But that stands testament to how powerful this VR shooter remains even today; a potent concoction of physical VR movement, eye-opening combat freedom and cinematic flair that others can but wish to replicate. Even better, Quest’s lack of wires and a first-rate port make this the best way to play arguably VR’s best game. Topping Superhot VR will be tough.
Do you agree with our list of best Oculus Quest games and apps? Let us know in the comments below!
The post The 25 Best Oculus Quest Games And Experiences appeared first on UploadVR.