Virtual or augmented reality: people interest over time using Google’s trends

VR, AR or Mixed reality articles to understand the market are most of the time contradictory. Typically on the mass interest.

Surveys or mysterious (;-) ) studies fill the news feeds and it’s very difficult to have a good and reliable results. So I had an insight (oh, not a genius one :p ) : use this fantastic tool from Google to have an idea…

Google Trends is a public web facility of Google Inc., based on Google Search, that shows how often a particular search-term is entered relative to the total search-volume across various regions of the world, and in various languages.

Of course, you can go directly to the Google’s trends website. But first please stay a little time (I don’t have a lot of readers, so…) and look with me the main result I’ve found :

3 periods: from 2004 to now / Last 2 years / Last year…


Surprised: AR was interesting people more than VR between 2009 and 2013…

The prediction (end of the curve) is pessimistic about VR… 🙁


A surprised… China which is very engaged in VR is also very interested by AR…

3. Last year

If AR curve is stable and still under the VR’s one the trend shows that people are less searching for VR.

This is a (very) short overview… looking at the queries combining with different sources and correlating with different event/announcements can give a better picture…


psst. If you reach this line it means you’re have been very nice to me.

So I give you a tip: look for “bitcoin price”, “sell bitcoin” and “buy bitcoin” and compare them to the market… 😉

So let’s come back to the VR/AR, what will be your findings? I’m very excited to see what will come with that.

Jean-Philippe Mohamed Sangaré

View posts by Jean-Philippe Mohamed Sangaré
President - CEO Virtual and augmented reality promoter in Switzerland. Senior IT project manager, Test architect / manager expert in test management, test automation, performance measurement. Professional trainer.
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