#XRCOL2020 Online conference : XR(eXtended Reality) for collaboration, online learning, conferences & remote working
Presentation given during the #XRCOL2020 Online conference organised by SSVAR (https://ssvar.ch)
Amy Hedrick – CEO, Co-Founder at Cleanbox Technology
Planning to succeed: Steps to take before deploying your XR strategy
Immersive technologies including virtual and augmented reality are rapidly integrating across a variety of industries including entertainment, education, healthcare, automotive, travel, fitness,retail and corporate training. The expansive capabilities of these technologies are changing the ways in which companies interact with their teams and their clients, and impacting end consumers’ expectations and demands for content delivery With more visibility of successful XR use cases, companies are beginning to strategize larger deployments. A successful deployment that increases brand value requires understanding the pain points, having the right expertise on board (or on hand), a time-budgeted rollout, and a focus on creating premium experiences that will facilitate repeat engagement and properly interact with the targeted user.
Some of the often forgotten but critically important considerations include adequate planning for the adoption curve, training and support staff, and hygiene and storage. For example, lack of ongoing hygiene is a commonly stated reason for why non-users are not comfortable with VR or AR in the first place. Consumer complaints include headsets that are “wet” from the previous user’s sweat, odors, grime build up in visors, and fogged lenses.
As more studies showing definitive ROI across use cases become public, the expansion of strategic XR programs will increase across industries. Having the ecosystem in place to support a comprehensive rollout strategy will be important to each business.