Santa Gets Stuck Down The Virtual Chimney In PS VR Christmas Promo

Santa Gets Stuck Down The Virtual Chimney In PS VR Christmas Promo

The way Sony sees it, Santa won’t be delivering many PlayStation VR units this year as a lot of people already have them. In fact, he won’t be delivering many presents at all because he keeps trying it for himself.

Sony’s Christmas promo for its recently released VR headset might not highlight some of the actual games that are available for it, but it’s pretty entertaining all the same. Tired of the same old overnight snacks, Santa turns to a PS VR unit as a means of accepting thanks for all his hard work. Pay particular attention to the questionable, maniacal gasps of laughter he gives. We wonder what he’s playing; maybe Until Dawn: Rush of Blood? Perhaps Here They Lie?

Oh, I bet it’s the demo for Resident Evil 7. That always gets people in the festive mood.

So if you wake up without anything under your tree this year, you know who (and what) to blame.

Seriously, though, it would have been nice to have seen some of PS VR’s growing library advertised here. Sony’s push for the headset in recent weeks still involves highlighting many of the admittedly impressive launch games that are now two months old. It would be nice to see great new experiences like Fruit Ninja VR and How We Soar given some of the spotlight too.

This is PS VR’s first Christmas (as it is for the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive), and we’re expecting to see a flood of new users pop up over the internet in the next week. If you know someone that’s getting a headset, or you’ve got one yourself, you might want to check out our list of games and apps that are perfect for showing off to other people over the holiday season. You might just convince someone else to get one too.

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Source: Santa Gets Stuck Down The Virtual Chimney In PS VR Christmas Promo


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