Dying Reborn

New PSVR Releases For Week Of 02/26/17

New PSVR Releases For Week Of 02/26/17

It’s GDC week and it looks like most all of the developers are there rather than actually, y’know, releasing their games. It’s slim pickings for PlayStation VR (PSVR) owners this week, though not without hope. There is a new horror experience to check out and one of VR’s most interesting educational experiences so far, so you do have a reason to hop into virtual reality this weekend, but nothing earth-shattering is set to release for some time yet.

If you missed last week, you can see those new releases here. Also, UploadVR has launched the ‘UploadVR PS VR Community’ on PlayStation 4! Join up, find other gamers to play with, and engage in discussions with them.

Also, don’t forget to check out our list of the 9 Best PlayStation VR Games if you need any extra inspiration.

Dying: Reborn PSVR, from Oasis Games
Price: $9.99

This one’s a bit strange. Dying: Reborn PSVR is not the full game, which is available without VR support for $19.99. Instead, it’s the first three chapters of it, which you can play in VR. Charging for what’s essentially a demo for the full experience seems a little suspect, but if you’re longing for more horror on PSVR then that might not bother you. The fish head guy is certainly creepy.

Recommendation: Given Oasis Games’ past record we’d recommend passing on this, but we’ll have a full review next week.

Apollo 11, from Immersive VR Education
Price: £9.49 (Only in EU)

This is a great example of what PSVR can do for education. Apollo 11 was released on PC VR platforms a long time back but now comes to Sony’s console as a guided piece that lets you experience what it must have been like to land on the Moon. If you’re interested in VR education’s potential, don’t miss out.

Recommendation: Definitely worth a look.

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Source: New PSVR Releases For Week Of 02/26/17


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