‘Project Dali’ Looks Like Adobe’s Answer To ‘Tilt Brush’ And ‘Quill’

‘Project Dali’ Looks Like Adobe’s Answer To ‘Tilt Brush’ And ‘Quill’

An Adobe Research project was revealed via YouTube video, above, showing what looks like an answer to Google’s Tilt Brush and Facebook’s Quill virtual reality art programs.

A blog post by Erik Natzke, principal artist-in-resident at Adobe Research, explained some of the thinking behind the project, which is described as being in its “early stages.” From the post:

Project Dali is an immersive drawing experience in the virtual world. Artists use custom brushes to create, and move around their creations, in three dimensions—they can literally walk through their own paintings. The experience is so surreal that we couldn’t resist calling it Project Dali.

More to come.

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Source: ‘Project Dali’ Looks Like Adobe’s Answer To ‘Tilt Brush’ And ‘Quill’


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