Opposable’s VR Strategy ‘Salvaged’ Launches On Steam With Full Campaign

Opposable’s VR Strategy ‘Salvaged’ Launches On Steam With Full Campaign

HTC Vive fans got a nice surprise yesterday when Google Earth launched for free on the headset. Now its Oculus owner’s turn for a treat.

Salvaged, a long-in-development strategy game from UK-based Opposable Games, has just launched for the Rift on Steam Early Access at $12.99. It’s something of a surprise; the game has been in the works for around four years now. Opposable ran a Kickstarter campaign for it back in 2014, though it didn’t reach its funding goal. The developer has since remained tight-lipped about its progress and, in that time, has doubled down on VR, hosting the VR World Congress event in Bristol this year and getting ready for next year’s event too.

“Salvaged has been a labour of love for the last 4 years, so we’re really thrilled to get it into Early Access today,” Opposable Games Managing Director Ben Trewhella told UploadVR over email.

Elsewhere, Opposable has recently worked on projects like the new Adventure Time cardboard game. “So we’re really proud to have been able to get Salvaged out with everything else going on,” Trewhella said. “It’s got a really intriguing storyline and is, as far as we’re aware, the first game to use the multiple team mates first person view.  There’s a whole universe narrative developed behind the game, we’re experimenting with VR comics as apps and 360 videos to tell some of these stories, and we have prototypes of future games set in the Salvaged universe for high end VR.”

Also playable on standard displays, Salvaged casts you as Alex Pieterson, Commander of the salvage ship Thaddeus. Rather than suiting up and heading into battle yourself, you instead sit at a command terminal and lead a squad of troops through ship wrecks, fighting off packs of aliens as they look for valuable parts to loot. You see your team’s progress on monitors in front of you as you issue orders.

It may be an early access launch by Opposable has released Salvaged with its full 20-level campaign intact, estimating that it will take between 8 – 15 hours for players to complete. The full version of the game will feature procedurally generated missions and take on board player feedback for more balanced missions. The studio expects it to be in pre-release for a maximum of six months.

But what about a Vive version? Worry not, that’s planned for the full release too.

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Source: Opposable’s VR Strategy ‘Salvaged’ Launches On Steam With Full Campaign


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