Star Wars X-Wing PSVR Developer Wants To Work In VR Again

Star Wars X-Wing PSVR Developer Wants To Work In VR Again

Criterion Games is best known for games like Burnout Paradise, but the developer also brought us one of the most immersive VR experiences to date with 2016’s Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One X-Wing VR Mission (admittedly the name could have used some work). Sadly, last year’s Battlefront II came and went without VR support, but could the team work with the tech again? It definitely wants to.

The UK-based studio revisited its work in VR for a session at the 2018 Game Developers Conference last week. As Rolling Stone reported, the team was asked if there was any interest in returning to VR someday, perhaps even to make a VR version of the beloved X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter dogfighting game.

“There is a huge pass for creating VR in the studio,” Criterion Games’ Kieran Crimmins said. “We finished Battlefront II, but we also have three other projects going on at the studio. Are we going to do more VR in the future? I’m certain we are. But it’s not something we’re working on right now.”

We certainly hope the team returns to VR one day; though it was short Battlefront’s X-Wing mission on PSVR was some of the most fun you could have with the headset. It allowed players to pilot the iconic spaceship and shoot down Imperial ships in a scene taking place during the events of the 2016 Star Wars Story. Criterion has previously been working on a racing game that it has suggested included VR support, but it was ultimately canceled.

The idea of a VR version of X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter is almost too good to be true, so we’ll keep our fingers crossed for now.

Source: Star Wars X-Wing PSVR Developer Wants To Work In VR Again


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