
Break Blocks And Smash Goombas In Super Mario Bros. VR

Break Blocks And Smash Goombas In Super Mario Bros. VR

We’re likely gonna have to wait a while before Nintendo ever decides to get back into the VR gaming market. The Virtual Boy is one of the biggest blemishes in VR’s short history book and everyone from Shigeru Miyamoto and Tatsumi Kimishima to Philippe Lavoué and Reggie Fils-Aime are hesitant to show any signs of support yet.

Despite all of this, fans have created Switch VR mockups and Nintendo has partnered with VR arcades to bring properties like Mario Kart to VR headsets already. So maybe, just maybe, it’ll happen one day.

But until then, we’ve got fan projects like Super Mario Bros. VR from Nimso Ny to tide us over:

This one has been around for a long time, but now you can break blocks with your hands and the whole thing has been updated and streamlined. Goombas are looking more menacing (but still cute) than ever and everything from the music to the sound effects is on point.

If you’re interested in checking it out for yourself, watch the video above or go download it for free over on the creator’s page. Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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Source: Break Blocks And Smash Goombas In Super Mario Bros. VR


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