
Sci-Fi Cold War Adventure Red Matter Gets Rift Release Date

Sci-Fi Cold War Adventure Red Matter Gets Rift Release Date

Vertical Robot’s super-promising Cold War-era sci-fi adventure, Red Matter, is very nearly here.

The studio today confirmed that the game would be launching on the Oculus Rift in two weeks’ time on May 24th. A pre-order page is already up on Oculus Home, offering a limited-time discount to get the game for $29.99 instead of the usual price of $34.99. A new trailer to celebrate the release date has been revealed too.

Red Matter is definitely one you should be looking out for. The game takes place is a dystopian version of the Cold War. As an astronaut of the Atlantic Union, you’re sent to an abandoned base on one of Saturn’s moons in search of a secret research project. In order to make your way through the facility, you’ll need to solve puzzles and study the environment using a number of different tools.

Based on the trailer, though, Red Matter looks like it will be a fascinating, atmospheric discovery. We’re hoping for something that really roots us in the experience.

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Source: Sci-Fi Cold War Adventure Red Matter Gets Rift Release Date


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