
Electronauts Multiplayer Livestream: Spinning Up Tunes With Survios Devs

Electronauts Multiplayer Livestream: Spinning Up Tunes With Survios Devs

For today’s livestream we’re going back into the trippy world of Electronauts, but this time we won’t be alone. Instead, today we’re playing multiplayer! That means while we’re busy riffing on some great electronic music, we’ll have a Survios developer right by our side showing us how it’s done.

If you missed our previous Electronauts livestream (in mixed reality!) yesterday, you can check that out right here to get caught up on what the game is all about. Today we aren’t going to do mixed reality so we can more easily move the camera angle around in multiplayer instead.

We’ll be livestreaming Electronauts on HTC Vive today and monitoring chat using OVRdrop while in VR. The stream will be starting soon at approximately 3:15 PM PT and we’ll aim to last for about forty five minutes or so. We’ll be livestreaming directly to the UploadVR Facebook page. You can see the full stream embedded right here down below once it’s up:

Electronauts VR Multiplayer Livestream

Join us for some VR DJ action! We’re playing Electronauts right now with one of the developers from Survios live!Can’t stop, won’t stop.

Posted by UploadVR on Wednesday, August 8, 2018

You can see our archived streams all in this one handy Livestream playlist over on the official UploadVR YouTube channel (which you should totally subscribe to by the way). All future and current streams will be on Facebook, which you can see a list of here.

Let us know which games you want us to livestream next and what you want to see us do, specifically, in Electronauts or other VR games. Comment with feedback down below!

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The post Electronauts Multiplayer Livestream: Spinning Up Tunes With Survios Devs appeared first on UploadVR.

Source: Electronauts Multiplayer Livestream: Spinning Up Tunes With Survios Devs


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