
Mining Sim Cave Digger Coming To Quest, New Expansion Announced

“Immersive Mining Simulator” can safely be filed under game genres I’d probably never play if they weren’t in VR, so thankfully Cave Digger by VRkiwi is on basically every major 6DOF VR headset available.

Today, the developers have announced that not only is a massive new update dubbed Railway to the Depths releasing soon that adds a ton of new features, but it’s also coming to the Oculus Quest. The game is already available on Steam for all major SteamVR platforms (Rift, Vive, Windows VR, and Index) as well as on Oculus Home for Rift (and soon Quest,) Viveport for Vive, Rift, and Windows VR, plus the PSN Store for PSVR.

Cave Digger: Railway to the Depths Trailer:

Currently the base game, basically a demo, is available for free. But if you want the full experience, you need to buy the Riches DLC. There’s also an optional paid Supporters Pack that adds access to the OST, your name on wanted posters for players to see, and a gold-plated pickaxe. It’s got great physics and mechanics, plus lots of different types of ore and rewards to unlock. However, it all takes place in a single elevator that goes deeper gradually over time. At least it did until this newest update.

“We felt the game wasn’t finished yet and there was a lot of potential if we let the players wander outside of the elevator,” says VR Producer Jani Kaipainen in a prepared statement. “I think by giving this update for free, the game offers enough exploration and adventure for the price tag. Our sincere thanks go also to Business Finland and Oculus for making this possible. We are excited to announce more VR productions later this year.”

If you buy the Riches DLC then you get the new Railway to the Depths update entirely for free. This includes “many hours” of new gameplay including a free-roaming expanded world, a new ending, a companion to help you carry more riches, and an upgradeable train to traverse the newly expanded world.

Cave Digger: Railway to the Depths releases as a free update to the paid Riches DLC on all platforms on September 19th. You can also join the Discord community to chat with other players and the developers directly.

The post Mining Sim Cave Digger Coming To Quest, New Expansion Announced appeared first on UploadVR.

Source: Mining Sim Cave Digger Coming To Quest, New Expansion Announced


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