
Oscar Winning 360 Video Expert Teaches You How To Shoot Better Immersive Films

Oscar Winning 360 Video Expert Teaches You How To Shoot Better Immersive Films

Last night at the Upload Collective in San Francisco, the Nokia Ozo team hosted a masterclass for 360-degree filmmakers. The class was also live streamed using a four camera Ozo setup. Students at the class were able to benefit from the expert teachings of Alex Henning. Henning is an award winning filmmaker that helped take home an Oscar for Martin Scorsese’s Hugo in 2012. The class was available to watch live in VR via YouTube 360 but if you couldn’t make it the entire program can be accessed anytime on Nokia’s YouTube channel.

Ozo’s head of product for VR, Devon Copley spoke with UploadVR briefly before the class began to discuss his team’s plan for the program.

“There are two goals here. The first is to help enable the community of 360 shooters and people just starting to get into the medium to learn from some of the folks that have been working in 360 for a while now and have experience with larger scale productions,” Copley said. “The other goal is to provide an evergreen piece of content for the community and to get the message out about Ozo Live is ready to go. The Ozo Live system is ready for prime time. It’s ready and professional broadcast customers have already begun doing events all around the world.” 

Last night’s class was the first in a series of two. The second class in the series will be taught by Juan Santillan. According to Copley, “Juan is amazing. He’s the guy that put Coachella in live 360 VR. He’s shot everyone from Radiohead to LL Cool J in VR.”

Santillan is also the CEO and co-founder of, a platform for virtual reality live events and fans. The second class will take place on Thursday night at 7 pm Pacific. It will be live streamed in VR as well and you can join in with any YouTube 360 compatible device or on the Nokia YouTube channel.

Disclosure: Nokia paid Upload, Inc. as part of the Ozo promotion. The  fee included multiple posts on UploadVR including this one.

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Source: Oscar Winning 360 Video Expert Teaches You How To Shoot Better Immersive Films


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