AltspaceVR's Democracy Plaza Puts You in the Middle of the 2016 Election

Most of us don’t get the opportunity to see election coverage first hand, but with virtual reality, we’re not as restricted. AltspaceVR has teamed up with NBC News to let you log in on your computer or VR headset and actually take part in the action—just not physically.
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AltspaceVR created a virtual Rockefeller Center Plaza where we can take our virtual avatars to get a front row seat of NBC News’ election coverage this year. Anyone with a Mac or Windows PC can tune in and participate, but if you want the immersive experience, you’ll need a VR headset like the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, or… more

Source: AltspaceVR's Democracy Plaza Puts You in the Middle of the 2016 Election


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Swiss Society of Virtual and Augmented Reality
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