Arcade Boxer ‘Knockout League’ Coming to PSVR

Popular VR boxing title Knockout League is coming to PlayStation VR. The game has remained in Early Access on SteamVR, Viveport, and Oculus stores for almost a year, but no release window for PSVR has been confirmed.

Announced at PSX 2017, the full version of Knockout League, with its 9 opponents and training modes will make the transition to Sony’s VR platform. Played from a first person perspective, with motion controllers enabling 1:1 fist tracking, boxing is a natural fit for the current generation of VR hardware. Knockout League differentiates itself from other VR boxing games with an arcade presentation reminiscent of Nintendo’s classic Punch-Out!! series, and opponents with wildly different personalities and fighting styles.

As we described in our early review of the PC version, the gameplay is rather strenuous, requiring rapid, energetic movements to succeed, meaning Knockout League will likely be an effective workout title for PSVR too. It is currently rated on the Virtual Reality Institute of Health and Exercise as equivalent exercise to rowing for burning calories.

Developer Grab Games specialises in AR/VR experiences, having created John Wick Chronicles (2017), Knockout League, and other mobile apps. Their current major project is the ‘Grab AR Tabletop Platform’, which was showcased at Google’s hardware event in October.

The post Arcade Boxer ‘Knockout League’ Coming to PSVR appeared first on Road to VR.

Source: Arcade Boxer ‘Knockout League’ Coming to PSVR


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