
Community Download: Are You Tired Of Zombie VR Games?

Welcome back to the Community Download, our weekly series that lets you, our members of the UploadVR Community, voice your opinion on a wide range of topics! Last week we asked our wonderful readership whether or not they thought the HTC Vive needed a price cut. This week, we’re turning the focus back towards a software question.

Many of the best and most popular VR games to date feature guns, blood, and zombies. Pop culture is obsessed so it only makes sense that the VR community would be as well. From The Brookhaven Experiment and Arizona Sunshine to this week’s recently released Killing Floor: Incursion, there are a wealth of zombies for you to shoot in VR. Outside of just the zombies, the shooter genre (wave shooters in particular) is over-represented when compared to other types of games.

The question at hand then is: Are you tired of zombie VR games?

We’ve heard a lot of complaints over the past year and a half, but these types of games do seem to sell well which means people are buying them. Are the complaints just the result of a vocal minority or is it seen as a widespread issue? Do you wish for more varied types of VR experiences, or are you happy to keep mowing down zombies and getting headshots? The jury is still out on what the long-term effect of violence in VR, too, which is another consideration.

Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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Source: Community Download: Are You Tired Of Zombie VR Games?


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