
Community Download: Do You Think Oculus Link For Quest Will Kill The Rift S?

Community Download is a weekly discussion-focused articles series published (usually) every Monday in which we pose a single, core question to you all, our readers, in the spirit of fostering discussion and debate. For today, we want to know if you think the newly announced Oculus Link feature is going to basically “kill” the Oculus Rift S?

At Oculus Connect 6 (OC6) this past week Facebook unveiled a feature that most enthusiasts assumed was being worked on but probably didn’t expect to see just mere months after the Quest and Rift S launched. The feature is named Oculus Link and it will enable you to plug your Oculus Quest standalone inside-out tracked headset into your PC with a single USB-C cable to then access and run Oculus Rift content. It’s coming this November.

From what we tried based on a 10-minute demo, it seems to basically turn the Quest into a Rift S. Granted, it isn’t perfect, but it’s shockingly close. Tracking won’t be as good with the alternate camera placement and fewer overall cameras, there is slightly higher latency reportedly, and visually the image is slightly compressed compared to the Rift S natively on a PC (plus 72Hz vs 80Hz) but other than it’s extremely capable and for most users will be way better than just good enough.

Since the Rift S and Quest both cost $400 (Facebook’s official Link cable will be $79 but according to them others should work as well) do you think the company is cannibalizing their own product? Or in other words: Do you think Oculus Link for Quest will kill the Rift S? Why or why not? Would you honestly recommend someone buy a new Rift S if they could just get a Quest and Link cable to add the option or portability or PC VR connected?

It’s an interesting topic. Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

The post Community Download: Do You Think Oculus Link For Quest Will Kill The Rift S? appeared first on UploadVR.

Source: Community Download: Do You Think Oculus Link For Quest Will Kill The Rift S?


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