E McNeill is a name that will be familiar to any long-time VR fans. The solo indie developer was one of the first to release a full game on Samsung’s Gear VR all the way back in 2014, and he’s released a number of great strategy titles on a variety of headsets since. Next week his latest project, Astraeus, will launch on Rift and Vive, too.
Astraeus was a launch title for Oculus Go last month, and is McNeill’s fourth VR game. It’s a real-time strategy experience that the developer says is easy to learn but deep to master. You play as an AI controlling a mining ship. You’re tasked with building bases to lead other ships in an attempt to corner the market. The game began life as a prototype for the VR Developer Challenge and ended up winning first place with a $20,000 prize. Check it out in the trailer below.
It’s set to cost $14.99 on Rift and Vive, though it’ll be a little cheaper at launch with a 10% discount. The Steam version will also include a non-VR build.
Tagged with: Astraeus, E McNeill
Source: Darknet Dev’s Latest VR Game Hits Rift And Vive Next Week