
Electronauts To Get Free DLC Adding Music With More Genres

Electronauts To Get Free DLC Adding Music With More Genres

We love Electronauts, Survios’ new VR music app that puts you in the role of a virtual DJ. But, as we said in our impressions last week, we’re not the biggest fans of the app’s tracklist, which only consists of dance music. Good news, then: more genres are on the way.

Survios itself said as much in a recent Ask Me Anything session on Reddit. “Yes, we have many more songs lined up for periodic release via free content updates,” a member of the development team replied when asked about DLC for the game. “Expect not only more music, but a wider variety of genres and styles… plus some more big headliners too. We’re really excited about the tracks we’re currently working on for future release.”

Elsewhere the team promised that there were “quite a few” hip hop songs on the way to the game later this year, including classic tracks and current hits. No dates on when any of it will arrive, but it’s a promising start.

Visually, much of the game looks like the ultimate rave right now. If Survios is adding in new songs from different genres, then we’re hoping the visual style can be mixed up a bit too. It would also be great to see some new kinds of interactions for new kinds of music.

Electronauts is available now on Rift, Vive, Windows and PSVR VR for $19.99.

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The post Electronauts To Get Free DLC Adding Music With More Genres appeared first on UploadVR.

Source: Electronauts To Get Free DLC Adding Music With More Genres


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