‘Ghostbusters VR’ Experience Comes to PSVR, from Makers of Acclaimed ‘The Walk’ Demo

It seems the Ghostbusters franchise isn’t done capitalizing on the video game market just yet, because the first installment of a new Ghostbusters experience is heading to PlayStationVR today. The experience (read: not game) was developed by CreateVR and Sony’s in-house VR production studio, and is entitled Ghostbusters VR – Now Hiring, Act 1: Firehouse.

In the experience you meet Mooglie, the iconic ghost from the franchise’s logo, who takes you on a tour of the Ghostbusters’ firehouse where you get to meet the mean, green and highly insatiable Slimer. Sony says you also get to paw around the Ecto-1, assemble and fire a proton pack, check out the basement where the Ghost Containment Unit lies, and according to the trailer, get to trap a big ugly ghostie. Of course, all models and scene work were patterned after the 2016 franchise reboot.

Ghostbusters VR – Now Hiring, Act 1: Firehouse will be available for download from the PlayStation Store for $6.99 starting today. PS4 system, PS VR headset, and PS Move controllers are required for use.

Project developers CreateVR are well-known for their work on The Walk demo, a VR version of the Robert Zemeckis’ 2015 film featuring a death-defying saunter across a tightrope strung between the World Trade Center buildings circa 1974. CreateVR have also recently developed a VR experience for Ouija 2: Origin of Evil (2016) for Universal Pictures International.

Sony Pictures Virtual Reality develops narrative VR content including Ghostbusters: Dimension, a mixed-reality experience currently hosted at out-of-home VR park The VOID. Sony’s in-house production studio most recently published Passengers:
Awakening, a VR adventure inside the Starship Avalon, drawing on the Academy Award-nominated production design of the 2016 film.

The post ‘Ghostbusters VR’ Experience Comes to PSVR, from Makers of Acclaimed ‘The Walk’ Demo appeared first on Road to VR.

Source: ‘Ghostbusters VR’ Experience Comes to PSVR, from Makers of Acclaimed ‘The Walk’ Demo


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