
Giant $1.5 Billion VR Theme Park to Open in China, Promising 35 VR Attractions

A giant robot looms over the outskirts of Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou province in China. The new VR park, named simply ‘Oriental Science Fiction Valley‘, is nearly complete, featuring a bevy of VR attractions and rides that hopes to capitalize on China’s steadily growing VR industry.

As reported by Reutersthe massive VR park spans 330 acres (134 hectares) and houses within its various sci-fi-inspired buildings 35 different VR attractions—including everything from shooters, virtual rollercoasters, to guided spaceship tours of the region’s most scenic spots.

Its organizers have already spent $1.5 billion creating the park, and while it features a few non-VR attractions such as bungee jumping (from the arm of the robot), most rides will use some combination of VR headsets and motion platforms.

Occupying one of the poorest provinces in China, the park aims to revitalize the area when it partially opens February next year.

“After our attraction opens, it will change the entire tourism structure of Guizhou province as well as China’s southwest,” Chief Executive Chen Jianli told Reuters.

“This is an innovative attraction, because it’s just different,” Jianli said.

The post Giant $1.5 Billion VR Theme Park to Open in China, Promising 35 VR Attractions appeared first on Road to VR.

Source: Giant $1.5 Billion VR Theme Park to Open in China, Promising 35 VR Attractions


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