
Microsoft Schedules VR Event For Early October

Microsoft Schedules VR Event For Early October

It looks like we’ll be finding out a lot more about Microsoft’s plans for VR and more in a few weeks’ time.

The company this week announced that it will be holding a ‘Mixed Reality event’ on October 3rd. Mixed reality is Microsoft’s broad term encompassing everything from its HoloLens augmented reality device to the new virtual reality headsets it’s soon to launch in partnership with others.

On October 17th Microsoft will launch its Fall Creators Update for Windows 10, which enables use of these new headsets on the operating system. On the same day, headsets from companies like Acer and Dell will also be launching along with new six degrees of freedom (6DOF) motion controllers.

Though launch is just a month away we still have a lot to learn about these devices. We’re not sure what the day one launch line-up of content looks like for example, though Microsoft has provided a promising overview of games and apps coming in the early release window, including experiences from big brands like Halo.

We’d expect to learn a lot more at the event, which is scheduled just a day ahead of Google’s next press event in which it’s expected to reveal its next Pixel smartphone.

Source: Microsoft Schedules VR Event For Early October


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