
OC6: Mark Zuckerberg Teases Finger Tracking For Keynote

On the eve of Oculus Connect 6 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg teased apparent finger tracking ahead of his talk at the event’s keynote.

Zuckerberg posted a video of two virtual hands making the letters O and C and then holding up six fingers, to symbolize Facebook’s OC6 VR developer’s conference. We can’t think of any way to interpret this other than Zuckerberg teasing some kind of finger tracking to be announced during the keynote.

The video was accompanied by the following blurb:

Putting the final touches on my talk for Oculus Connect tomorrow. I’m excited to share our latest work in augmented and virtual reality. Tune in here at 10am PT to watch the keynote live.

As Zuckerberg states, he will be speaking during OC6’s opening keynote which begins at 10am PT, available to stream on the Oculus Facebook page, as well as in Oculus Venues and in Bigscreen on VR devices.

The tease from Zuckerberg comes soon after we reported Facebook is in the final stages of acquiring a New York-based company called CTRL Labs. The company made an armband that allows finger tracking by reading electrical signals inside the user’s arm. Facebook also recently filed a patent of their own earlier this year with a similar concept depicted in the filing.

Earlier today, a ‘game changing’ reveal at OC6 was also teased by some Oculus software designers. One of those designers, Eugene Krivoruchko, previously worked on software for hand-tracking at Leap Motion.

We’ll have more information for you tomorrow from the floor at OC6 where we will be live tweeting all the announcements and providing regular updates. You can read our best guess predictions for what to expect and take a look at the six sessions you don’t want to miss.

The post OC6: Mark Zuckerberg Teases Finger Tracking For Keynote appeared first on UploadVR.

Source: OC6: Mark Zuckerberg Teases Finger Tracking For Keynote


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