Oculus will let you beta test its new desktop app and Rift Core 2.0 in December

Last month at its Oculus Connect 4 event, Oculus revealed details about its Rift Core 2.0 user interface for its virtual reality headset. Starting sometime in December, people will be able to opt-in to test Dash, which is the new in-app interface, and the revamped Oculus Home. They’ll also be able to try out the updated desktop app.

As we learned at the Connect 4 event, Dash will enable users to bring up a task bar, friends list, and notifications without exiting whatever app or game they’re currently running. The redesigned Home will be more customizable.

New updates to the desktop app include an improved Oculus Store with additional wish list and library functionality. Users will be able to access both more quickly as well as launch recently played titles. They’ll also be able to see what games and apps their friends are playing or that they’ve recently played together.

To opt in to beta test, you can select settings in the Oculus desktop app. In that menu, choose “beta” and then toggle on “public test channel.”

Source: Oculus will let you beta test its new desktop app and Rift Core 2.0 in December


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