Polished VR Adventure Witching Tower Is PSVR-Bound

More medieval battles await PSVR fans in the near future.

Witching Tower, a wholly likable VR action adventure game, is making its way to Sony’s headset. Developer Daily Magic Productions revealed as much in a recent Steam update. Last week the developer issued a huge patch for the game that improved combat and locomotion systems.

“Today we released the latest update in Steam (In HTC and Oculus stores a bit later),” the studio wrote. “Not that it is the last, but it’s not worth waiting for updates in the near future. We will be fix only critical bugs. Now we must fully concentrate on porting Witching Tower to PSVR. We plan to update the game after the release of the game on the PlayStation Store.”

The team didn’t say when to expect the console version of the game to hit. Still, we’ll look forward to Witching Hour’s PSVR release. The game’s set in the midst of an Undead War and has you battling monsters. You’ve got the usually VR arsenal: swords, bows and magic. Expect the PSVR version to benefit from the work the team has done on the PC version since launch.

“It’s got a few idiosyncrasies with its controls that need to get ironed out, and it would feel better with free movement, but Witching Tower is an okay hack-and-slash bolted on top of a nicely spooky horror-themed adventure,” we said in our review of the game. “It’s good for a solid, creepy weekend of puzzles, and is likely going to clean up at VRcades.”

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Source: Polished VR Adventure Witching Tower Is PSVR-Bound


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