PS VR Exclusive RIGS Adds New Mech and Customization Options In Winter Update

PS VR Exclusive RIGS Adds New Mech and Customization Options In Winter Update

RIGS Mechanized Combat League, one of the major launch titles for PlayStation VR, is a combat sports game where you take control of a mech in an open arena with a collection of different modes including the American football-like Endzone and RIGS’ version of the classic deathmatch, Team Takedown.

There are many solid experiences to be had within PS VR’s launch collection, but RIGS is essential because it serves as an example of well-executed competitive multiplayer. Guerrilla Cambridge, the game’s developers, thankfully isn’t sitting on its hands a month after the game’s release. As revealed by a post on the official PlayStation blog, the game is receiving a handful of new content in its upcoming December update.

The December update will be the first of their free content packs coming to the game in the coming months. In addition to the standard mech, they’re adding the APX Rig. It’ll be a fast and more agile unit, but also have less armor. You’ll also be able to customize your rigs pilot with new items and victory celebrations purchased with in-game currency.

The first European arena, Zurich, will be introduced and shaped to better allow the specific classes to utilize their strengths. Lastly, weekly trials will be added to the experience. Through them you’ll earn in-game credits, fame, and customization options but there’s no further information on them beyond that.

The blog post alludes to even more details before the Winter update goes live, but it’s likely to just be specifics on customization items and the weekly trials. A major component for continued interest in multiplayer games like RIGS is constant updates and fixes and it looks like they’re off to a decent start.

Maybe, in the future, it will develop into a major competitive eSport which is something VR gaming could use. We’ll be sure to update with new information as we get closer to the new content’s release.

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Source: PS VR Exclusive RIGS Adds New Mech and Customization Options In Winter Update


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