
PSVR’s Kill X, Pervader Return In New ChinaJoy Trailers

PSVR’s Kill X, Pervader Return In New ChinaJoy Trailers

Two PSVR titles we’ve been keeping a close eye on made a return at ChinaJoy this month.

Sony’s showcase at the event included fresh looks at creepy first-person shooter (FPS), Kill X, and monster-slaying action game, Pervader. For the former, it’s the first look at the game we’ve had that shows environments outside of the dingy mines that featured in a playable demo released last year. We’re still not entirely confident that Kill X will have the kind of gameplay that will make it a truly engaging shooter, but it is at least nice that a full narrative-driven campaign is on the way.

As for Pervader, well, it’s a bit of a weird one. Rather than a trailer for the game, it appears Sony is making an animated movie based on it, and this is a trailer for that. It frankly looks a little 90’s, but perhaps the game will intentionally recapture the cheesy magic of an early Resident Evil game. We’d definitely like to see more of it in action before we make any conclusions.

No word yet on when we’ll get to play either Kill X or Pervader for ourselves.

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Source: PSVR’s Kill X, Pervader Return In New ChinaJoy Trailers


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