rick and morty virtual rick-ality

Rick and Morty Conquer April PSVR Store Charts

Rick and Morty Conquer April PSVR Store Charts

Owlchemy Labs’ Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-Ality has dominated April 2018’s PlayStation Store charts for PSVR.

The tie-in game, which released on PSVR on April 10th, nearly a year after the PC version, climbed to the top of both the EU and US charts for last month. This is especially impressive considering the game had both a physical and digital release and the PS Store charts only track the latter’s sales. We don’t know exactly how many copies the game shifted, though we’re not too surprised to see it perform so well given the game’s quality, the success of Owlchemy’s last game, Job Simulator, and the fact that April was an otherwise pretty quiet month for the headset.

Another new release, Crisis On the Planet of the Apes, came in at the fourth spot in the EU and fifth in the US. Tripwire Interactive’s excellent Killing Floor: Incursion, which launched towards the end of April on PSVR, came ninth in the US, but didn’t chart in the EU. Other than that, the charts feature the usual suspects like Superhot VR, Job Simulator and Moss, the latter of which is also getting a physical release soon.

Looking ahead for the month there are some promising launches to come on PSVR, including To The Top. Mostly, though, we’re waiting for Sony’s E3 2018 press conference in June to see what’s next for the headset. Fingers crossed it’s something big.

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Source: Rick and Morty Conquer April PSVR Store Charts


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