Scattered Faith

Mapper: dapperguest1234

Reupload because why not

Scattered Faith is pretty much Galaxy Collapse 2, this was even said by the person that created the song.

Difficulty: Expert++

Duration: 8:21

BPM: 120

NJS: 0

Offset: 0

Half Jump Duration: 2

Jump Distance: 32

Total NPS: 6.3

Mapped NPS: 6.38

Peak NPS:

16 beats: 12.63

8 beats: 13

4 beats: 17.5

Notes: 3157

Bombs: 0

Walls: 0

Lighting: 3177

Red/Blue Ratio: 0.99

Top Notes: 24%

Middle Notes: 4%

Bottom Notes: 72%

Source: Scattered Faith

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