Almost immediately developers have tried to harness virtual reality’s space for infinite creativity. Tilt Brush and applications like it put various tools in the user’s hands and allow them to run wild with a virtual canvas. SculptrVR is of the same vein and revolves around building with voxels, but the program also offers an additional twist with 3D printing. Having such an option gives creators an opportunity to explore their creations in a different way by bringing it to actual life, but now the program is giving users a different way to explore in-game: hang-gliding.
We chatted with the SculptrVR community organizer Elias Leers about the new update.
SculptrVR is already a solid value, allowing people to build three-dimensional objects, massive landscapes, and more in a virtual space. You can even set the mood of your creations by with atmospheric effects like fog and rain or bring friends in to explore or create as well. Viewing your own creations or those of others was already a surreal experience, but now you and your crew can hang-glide around the different creations at high speeds.
“We think locomotion and exploration are the best ways to add value to every world or users build, so we intend to improve on what we have as well as add other ways to explore,” Leers says. The update was in the works for about a month before release, so there’s no telling what the team could put together with such quick turnaround. In the time since release, SculptrVR has become home to some truly majestic creations.
“One of our favorite worlds are the giant turtle with the world on it’s back, since it’s a really great example of building in multiple scales,” Leers recalls “And then there’s the world that was built when one of our users Shadowxaf hosted a server for an entire week, lots of people hopped in and collaborated.”
The sky is the limit with community efforts like this and, as is shown in the trailer above for the new update, worlds that take advantage of the new way to move will pop up more and more. Whatever other forms of movement the team has in mind, no doubt the community will create some fun world’s upon which to implement them. You can get SculptrVR on steam for $14.99.
Tagged with: 3D printing, create, creators, design, locomotion, Sculpt, sculptrvr
Source: ‘SculptrVR’ Update Adds Hang-Gliding Exploration With More Coming Soon