A Bethesda representative on Reddit today announced that the Skyrim VR 1.02 patch is releasing today on PlayStation VR. This patch adds the ability to rotate smoothly using the PS Move controllers as well as an optional aiming reticle when casting spells with the Move controllers. It also introduces a series of bug fixes such as when menus would appear behind characters in the game or when you’d accidentally draw your weapons by moving your hands too quickly.
This update corrects one of the biggest issues with Skyrim VR since launch: not being able to rotate smoothly while using the PlayStation Move controllers. You always could when using the DualShock of course, but since the Move controllers lack analog sticks there’s been no way to rotate smoothly. Snap turning was the closest you could get, but that was impossible to use effectively because it seemed like it always rotated too far or not far enough and could only be adjusted in the game’s settings.
The full list of fixes and updates is as follows:
- Added smooth rotation option with PS Move controllers
- Added rotation speed for smooth rotation
- Added option for crosshairs when using PS Move controllers for spells
- Removed the auto-unsheathing when raising your shield hand when weapons are sheathed.
- Fixed an issue with 2-handed weapons in left hand mode
- Made adjustments to blocking and bashing so that it now works correctly with 2-handed weapons and 1-handed weapons with no secondary weapon equipped
- Improved feedback for blocking
- Improved feedback for getting staggered
- Improvements to Eagle Eye
- Improvements to setting targets for summon spells
- Fixed an issue where your follower or other NPCs would block UI
- Fixed an issue where the training menu would not be in the right place
- Improved directional power attacks
- Stats menu will update without having to restart the game
- Other bug fixes and minor improvements
Overall this is an excellent post-launch patch that fixes some frequently mentioned issues. Hopefully next they’ll add a way for us to finally see our characters some way.
What do you think of Skyrim VR so far? Make sure to read our review and watch our livestreams to keep up with our coverage! Let us know what you’ve been doing in the game down in the comments below!
Tagged with: Bethesda, Skyrim VR
Source: Skyrim VR Patch 1.02 Is Finally Adding Smooth Turning For PS Move