
Sonic The Hedgehog In VR Looks As Dizzying As It Sounds

Sonic The Hedgehog In VR Looks As Dizzying As It Sounds

Of all the many platforming heroes we’d love to bring to VR, we have to admit Sonic the Hedgehog wasn’t one we’d previously considered. As we all know, Sega’s Blue Bullet has gotta go fast, a little too fast for VR comfort levels. That hasn’t stopped a fan from making an unofficial version of the game for the Oculus Rift, though.

Indie developer Nimso Ny has converted the iconic Green Hill Zone Act 1, the first level of the original Sonic game, into a VR experience in which players run on the spot to move. You can see it in action below.

While the linear level design is the same, Nimso has obviously had to improvise somewhat converting the level into a 3D experience. Spike pits have gaps that you can run through, for example, and rings are spread out across an area rather than in a straight line. As for those corkscrews? Well we’ll let you judge for yourself, but we’re not sure our stomachs are quite up to it. Still, it looks like a good bit of excersise.

Nimso has released the experience for free, though the developer also has a Patreon account if you want to support him. No word from Sega yet on what it makes of this fan mod.

Source: Sonic The Hedgehog In VR Looks As Dizzying As It Sounds


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