
This PSVR Cat-Collecting Game Is So Cute I Just Can’t

This PSVR Cat-Collecting Game Is So Cute I Just Can’t

Regular readers of UploadVR will know that Games Editor David Jagneaux isn’t much of a fan of cats. Fortunately, the feline balance on the editorial team is restored by yours truly (dogs are cool too, though!). That’s why Neko Atsume looks cuter than I can handle.

We reported this ridiculously adorable cat collector was getting a Japanese PSVR port last year, and now it’s officially available. A quick search of Twitter reveals that, yes, this is indeed the most important and most ‘DAAAAW’-worthy game to yet release for VR, and will undoubtedly push the platform forward into bold new territories.

I mean, how could you not love this?

ねこあつめVRかわいすぎる…。ねこを飼えないリアルに戻れなくなる #PS4share

— エコー (@eko22727) May 31, 2018

Or this? I mean do cats even like watermelon? How weird!

とんでもないものを買ってしまった。#ねこあつめVR #時間泥棒 #PS4share

— 能田 達規 (@tatsukino) May 31, 2018

Wait, oh my god, look at this one.

ねこあつめVRのファーストコンタクトの破壊力たるや #PS4share #ねこあつめVR

— pucci_by_pucci (@pucci_by_pucci) May 31, 2018

Look! Watch him chase the thingie! He thinks he’s people!


— すんくぼ@脱もぐらハウス (@tyranusII) May 31, 2018

Sadly there’s no word on if the game will be coming to the US and beyond just yet. That said, E3 is right around the corner and I think we can all agree this is probably the biggest announcement Sony could make for its headset at this year’s show.

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Source: This PSVR Cat-Collecting Game Is So Cute I Just Can’t


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