‘Time Machine VR’ and ‘Space Rift’ Are Both Landing on PlayStation VR This Week

‘Time Machine VR’ and ‘Space Rift’ Are Both Landing on PlayStation VR This Week

Sony’s flagship virtual reality headset has been on the market for a little over a month now and first debuted with an impressive launch lineup of games. From competitive and cooperative shooters to silly simulation titles and terrifying horror entries, there was something for everybody. The slow drip of new content has been a bit difficult to bear for most, as releases have been few and far between, but two beefy titles are landing this week for intrepid early adopters.

Last week saw Robinson: The Journey, an immersive and captivating adventure title, but it lacked the depth and length to engross players for more than just a few hours, and Eagle Flight, a game that can be both soothing and intense depending on the game mode. This week, we’ve got both Time Machine VR, an educational and contemplative adventure title through the annals of history, as well as Space Rift, a more narrative-focused space adventure, compared to EVE: Valkyrie’s sharp competitive teeth.

While we haven’t written formal reviews of either title’s previous PC entries on Rift and Vive, they’ve been around for quite some time. Time Machine VR is an excellent entry if you are truly and honestly enamored by prehistoric life. When watching episodes of The Magic School Bus, if you ever wished you could hang out underwater with giant, aquatic dinosaurs, or soar around exploring ancient landscapes, then this is the experience for you. The voice acting is solid and there are enough species of fish and dinosaurs to discover to keep you busy for quite some time.

Space Rift on the other hand somewhat feels like the missing piece of the EVE: Valkyrie puzzle. CCP’s spaceship dog fighting simulator is fantastic for competitive multiplayer gameplay, but it lacks in the single player department. Luckily, that’s the only aspect that Space Rift — Episode 1 focuses on. The captivating, but brief, story will put you in the cockpit as you fight for freedom.

Are you happy with each of these games releasing on PS VR this week? What type of content do you hope to see in future weeks for Sony’s headset?

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Source: ‘Time Machine VR’ and ‘Space Rift’ Are Both Landing on PlayStation VR This Week


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